
New books on the reading list: 

"The Myth of Human Supremacy" - by Derrick Jensen: https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Human-Supremacy-Derrick-Jensen/dp/1609806786/ Book Review: "Why are we killing the planet? Jensen nails troubling answers": http://www.eastvillagemagazine.org/2017/06/19/review-why-are-we-killing-the-planet-the-myth-of-human-supremacy-nails-troubling-answers/

“For all its redoubtable constructive achievements, authoritarian technics expressed a deep hostility to life,” wrote Mumford.

"The Process of Creating Life: Nature of Order, Book 2: An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe" - by Christopher Alexander: https://www.amazon.com/Process-Creating-Life-Building-Universe/dp/0972652922 
