
"Motivation, Engagement and Thriving in User Experience (METUX)" - A Wellbeing Design Framework for Practice: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00797/full

There is a great need for practical tools to help designers and researchers incorporate wellbeing research into practice. The model provides a framework grounded in psychological research that allows HCI researchers and practitioners to form actionable insights with respect to how technology designs support or undermine basic psychological needs, thereby increasing motivation and engagement, and ultimately, improving user wellbeing.

We propose that in order to address wellbeing, psychological needs must be considered within at least five different spheres of analysis including: at the point of technology adoption, during interaction with the interface, as a result of engagement with technology-specific tasks, as part of the technology-supported behavior, and as part of an individual's life overall. Otherwise, important contradictory effects can be missed. After all, a technology can appear to support wellbeing at one level but severely hinder it at another level (think of tech addiction that provides momentary need-satisfaction at the moment of use but disrupts psychological need satisfaction at the life level.)

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