Feng Zhi Qiang (1926-2012) - Chen Style Taiji 18th Generation Master
Biography: Feng Zhi-Qiang was born in 1926 in Hebei province, and passed away in 2012. He was the Vice President of Beijing Municipal Martial Arts Association & President of Beijing Municipal Chen-style Taijiquan Research Institute. He is noted for his development of the Chen Shi Xin Yi Hun Yuan Taijiquan system. Feng grew up in a martial art family. He began to practice martial arts at eight, and learned a great variety of martial styles such as Shao-Ling Tong-Zi-Gong. Later, he learned Tong-Bei-Quan from Han Xiao-Feng in He-Bei, Liu-He-Xing-Yi Quan from Hu Yao-Zhen of Shan-Xi, and Ba-Gua-Zhang from several famous masters. In 1951, on Master Hu Yao-Zhen's recommendation, Feng began to learn the Chen-style Tai-Ji-Quan from the well known 17th generation master Chen Fa-Ke in Beijing. (Extended bio here)
Primordial Qigong - by Feng Zhi Qiang
Feng Zhiqiang - Form Demonstration (2011)
"Hun Yuan Taiji/Qigong of Grand Master Feng Zhiqiang" - by J. Justin Meehan (2004):