Solar Cycle 25 Forecast (NOAA)
First new sunspots in 40 days herald coming solar cycle (
Researchers discover a new source of space weather – too close to home
Alexander Chizhevsky (1897 - 1964) was a Soviet-era interdisciplinary scientist, a biophysicist who founded "heliobiology" (study of the sun's effect on biology) and "aero-ionization" (study of effect of ionization of air on biological entities). He also was noted for his work in "cosmo-biology", biological rhythms and hematology." He may be most notable for his use of historical research techniques (historiometry) to link the 11-year solar cycle, Earth’s climate and the mass activity of peoples.
Book: The Role of the Sun in Climate Change - by Douglas V. Hoyt & Kenneth H. Schatten (Oxford University Press, 2007) (PDF)
Book starts with this paragraph: "About 400 years before the birth of Christ, near Mt. Lyscabettus in ancient Greece, the pale orb of the sun rose through the mists. According to habit, Meton recorded the sun’s location on the horizon. In this era when much remained to be discovered, Meton hoped to find predictable changes in the locations of sunrise and moonrise. Although rainy weather had limited his recent observations, this foggy morning he discerned specks on the face of the sun, the culmination of many such blemishes in recent years. On a hunch, Meton began examining his more than 20 years of solar records. These seemed to confirm his belief: when the sun has spots, the weather tends to be wetter and rainier."
Influence Of Solar Activity On State Of Wheat Market In Medieval England - research by Lev A. Pustilnik & Gregory Yom Din
A possible relationship between spectral bands in sunspot number and the space-time organization of our planetary system - by Schwentek & Elling (1984).
On the origin of solar cycle periodicity - by Attila Grandpierre (1996)