
AI powered Solar Panels Inspection

The Solar industry is booming and emerging as the fastest growing source of renewable energy. Like most other industries, efficiency plays a crucial role for the sustenance of a company in this field. A time taking and labour intensive process which consumes a significant chunk of operating costs are the Solar Plant inspections. Regular inspections ensure that potential defects that could reduce power yield are caught early and repaired.

AI powered Wind Turbine Inspection

Given the safety hazards and time taken to carry out wind turbine inspections, it is not surprising that the use of drones for this purpose is on the rise. Not only do they help carry out regular inspections but also help identify and gather data to support warranty claims. The conventional manual inspections using ropes and platforms can at best inspect 2-3 wind turbines a day while a semi-automatic drone could inspect 12-15 turbines in the same time.

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