
The week in review, focus on #Science, #Technology & #Biotech

Self-replicating molecules show signs of metabolism for the first time

In a chance discovery, researchers have for the first time observed the emergence of something akin to metabolism in molecules that also self-replicate. The replicator molecules catalyse a reaction that produces compounds that help to make the replicator’s own building blocks. It might be one of the most lifelike chemical systems ever created, combining two of life’s three essential features – replication, metabolism and compartmentalisation.

Scientists Create a Self-Replicating Reproductive Genome in the Lab

For the first time ever, a genome can reproduce itself like a natural one.

Interesting in this context, the following remark by Prof. Dr. Günter von Kiedrowski

"Why replication at all? In the natural context, replication has the same meaning as integration in electronics. I mean, if you are able to do integrate electronic circuitry, you can establish Moore's Law and in chemistry this kind of replication was not addresses so far. But if it is possible to replicate objects, then it is possible to make things cheaper, to pay for complexity"

Do Origin-of-Life Researchers Now Accept Intelligent Design?

As our understanding of cellular biology increases, researchers continuously find that the only framework capable of understanding life’s origin is design-based, and they increasingly have to smuggle design into their research hidden in the language of natural selection, evolution, and self-organization. With time, larger numbers of careful readers will see the true source of the creative power behind life.

Biotech future of promise and peril looms larger and closer

Emerging technology poses new and novel questions. Unfortunately, the time to answer them is growing short.

Cyborg cockroaches designed to complete tasks inside your HOME can carry objects across the room, transform into a display and draw objects on paper

Cyborg cockroaches could soon be unleashed in homes to complete tasks. Scientists programmed them to transport objects, along with other skills. The team calls them 'Calmbots,' which can reach places other robots cannot

The First Quantum Computer You Own Could Be Powered by a Time Crystal

We're just scratching the surface of what these bizarre creations can do.

Futuristic audio device 'puts music in your head' by beaming sound directly to the listener without the need for headphones

Desktop speaker creates a personal sound bubble without need for headphones. It directs ultrasonic waves that are converted in audible sound next to user's ear.  Lack of headphones means it's possible to hear other sounds in the room clearly

Dutch Advisory Panel Calls for Caution on 5G

Don’t Use Millimeter Band Pending More Research

Peter Thiel on the Failures and “Self-Hatred" of Big-Tech