The ten points of the Nuremberg Code
The Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation created as a result of the Nuremberg trials at the end of the Second World War.

- 1. Voluntary consent on matters relating to human health.
- 2. Procedures yielding positive results that benefit individuals and society.
- 3. Procedures based on positive experimentation results.
- 4. Physical and mental suffering prohibited.
- 5. Whatever risks death or disability is forbidden.
- 6. Risks taken should never exceed sought benefits.
- 7. Proper preparation in suitable facilities should precede procedures followed.
- 8. Only scientifically qualified individuals should conduct them.
- 9. At any time during treatment, individuals may cancel it at their discretion.
- 10. Scientifically qualified individuals involved must terminate procedures if too high a risk of harm to human health exists.