
TL;DR: Or why controlling the narrative is easy

  • About 60% of people only read news headlines, almost never more deeply into the articles
  • About 14% of (USA) people (1 out of 7) fully read 4 news articles in a month, whether ‘mainstream’ or ‘alternative’, which yet qualifies them as “active news customers” 
  • Most people stay in an orbit of about 12 websites (hence it’s a finite job if you can also dominate ‘alternative’ sites which are controlled opposition & limited hang-out)
  • About 60% of shared links to news articles, are never clicked upon, even by people who re-tweeted them, etc. “People are more willing to share an article than read it”
  • A recent study found that the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 sec today.

And yes, it is on propose that these facts are presented here with out any links to back-them up. The vast majority of readers would anyhow be too lazy to click on them, let alone do their own research.

#Media #Narrative #Cryptocracy