
My next chapter begins..

After four years, my time at Dr.Strange Love's insane asylum has come to an end. While I did meet many genuinely nice and interesting people, I've never seen so many highly educated useful idiots, one sided apparatchiks and evil geniuses in one place. The scale of ambition and operations is truly dizzying. But equally the levels of secrecy, confusion, arrogance and lust for control and power are mind boggling. In summary, it is a madhouse. I did learn a great deal for which i am very thankful, especially by studying the shadows of the invisible. Most notably, I've learned that education has little to-do with true intelligence, and intelligence has even less to-do with getting the essentials right. The heart is the true mystery, not the brain - a fact that Dr.StrA.Inge Love will likely never comprehend. All that said, i want to sincerely thank all the kind souls I've met along this wild and fascinating journey. May our practice and life be of benefit to all beings everywhere.

#Work #Ideas #Design #Creativity #ML #HCI #Augmentation #Mindful