The Roots of Winston Churchill's V

Winston Churchill's famously photgraphed 'V' hand gesture was at the instruction of Aleister Crowley, to beat the Nazis. Ian Fleming, creator and author of James Bond, was a very good friend of Aleister Crowley, who introduced him to Winston Churchill, the British wartime Prime Minister. It was Aleister Crowley that inducted Churchill into magick and ritual, of which the Nazis were already involved. It was Crowley that instructed Churchill to be photographed as much as possible, flashing the V's. He taught that the gesture is the physical variant of the magical sigil of Apophis-Typhon (APEP), a symbol of destruction and annihilation which is capable of defeating the solar energy represented by the Swastika. APEP also happens to be the name of the 3 rockets that NASA fired into the total eclipse, a Masonic ritual that symbolised 'man's technology defeating the solar energy of God'.