
'Regenerative capitalism' and the new bottom line:  

The Regenerative Framework & White Paper:  

Regenerative Enterprise: http://www.regenterprise.com/

Co-creating the Regenerative Economyhttp://capitalinstitute.org/

In his new white paper, Fullerton described eight principles that would govern a regenerative economy:

1. In right relationship. “The current system is exactly inverted from the way it has to be,” Fullerton pointed out. “There is no such thing as environmental issues. We are part of the environment.”

2. Holistic wealth. “Money is not wealth,” Fullerton observed.

3. Adaptive management.

4. Empowered participation.

5. Honors community and place. (As poet Wendell Berry wrote, “There are no unsacred places; only sacred places and desecrated places.”)

6. Edge effect abundance.

7. Robust circulatory flow.

8. System balance.

“My suggestion is simple,” Fullerton said. “Align our economy with these eight principles instead of the relentless pursuit at all costs of GDP growth and shareholder value.”

From Sustainability to Social Impact and Regeneration – New Rules for New Business

#Regenerative #Economics