
Wie die US-Regierung den Widerstand gegen Libra aushebeln will - by Norbert Häring:  http://norberthaering.de/de/27-german/news/1190-libra-g7

G20 kicks off debate to regulate 'stablecoins' in hit to Facebook's Libra: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-imf-worldbank-g20-stablecoin/g20-kicks-off-debate-to-regulate-stablecoins-in-hit-to-facebooks-libra-idUSKBN1WX2AH

G7 Working Group on Stablecoins. Investigating the impact of global stablecoins - by Bank for international settlements: https://www.bis.org/cpmi/publ/d187.pdf

The agenda outlined 20 years ago in "Total Information Awareness" is playing out. Highly nonsensical, fear driven and regressive tactics for advanced human farming.

#Crypto #Politics #Military #Economics