This is the weather map of Germany vs. Switzerland: Which is designed to spread panic?

This is the weather map of Germany vs. Switzerland: Which is designed to spread panic?
Today in "the fall of western civilization": Blaming everybody else for "climate change" 🤡
The countries at the top want you to think the countries at the bottom are to blame for climate change. Canada’s historic emissions per person are almost *30 times* those of India. The world's single biggest polluter is the US military. The countries at the top have been leading the destruction of nature for the past 200 years. And yet, G.W.Bush gospel “The American way of life is not up for negotiations. Period." is still king throughout the west.
Today in "the fall of western civilization" 🤡
Here is the size of the UK compared to Africa, to put the extremely noisy collapse of the "west" into perspective. The world keeps spinning, even when the self important lunatic cryptocrats are gone. 🤡
"Sorry, but something appears to have gone wrong" (screenshot from the WEF website) 🤡
Davos attendees can take a break from the WEF meeting step into Facebook’s “metaverse.”: "Using these self-guided interactions, audiences can unlock a more profound connection and understanding of our SECRET GREEN WORLD" 🤡
Art in Muynak, Uzbekistan. Showing how the Aral Sea looked in the past - by Nikita Makarenko
Nature loss: Insatiable greed degrading land around the world - UN - "Human activities are damaging and degrading the lands of the Earth in an unsustainable fashion according to a new UN report."
Biggest Progress in "Preparing for a Green Future", 2022 v 2021
China invested $137 billion in renewable energy and $110 billion on electrified transport in 2021, and made up 80% of offshore wind capacity added worldwide in 2021, according to @GWECGlobalWind. Photo: Installation of Solar Panels on rooftops of low income families in Gwadar. A gift of 3000+ panels by China.
Confusing models that predict the future with actual reality is a sign of madness
“The destruction will stop when we relate to nature differently” - Raimon Pannikar
Climate Scientists Encounter Limits of Computer Models, Bedeviling Policy (WSJ)
"Supercomputer simulations are running up against the complex physics of programming thousands of weather variables such as the extensive impact of clouds."
Hotel Belvedere in Oberwald, Switzerland
Let's play a game: Close your eyes for 30 seconds and simply imagine what stories and dramas might have occurred in this peculiar place over the past centuries. Please share if anything interesting arises.
Inconvenient Truth: Replacing just 50 million of the world’s estimated 1.3 billion cars with electric vehicles would require more than doubling the world’s annual production of cobalt, neodymium, and lithium, and using more than half the world’s current annual copper. (via)
Regeneration Rising
One Tesla Model S contains as much lithium as 10,000 mobile phones. To extract the 67 tons of copper in a single wind turbine, miners move 50,000 tons of earth and rock. (source)