Don’t Invent A New Modular System, Try To Use (Hack Into) An Existing One!

Don’t Invent A New Modular System, Try To Use (Hack Into) An Existing One!
"Why we need an Open Source Circular Economy" - Sam Muirhead, Pecha Kucha Berlin
What Is Open Source Circular Economy? - presentation by Lars Zimmermann:
The Sustainability Commons: Using Open Source Design to address Climate Change - by @catjohnson:
A growing movement that combines open source design with sustainability is creating an exciting alternative to profit-driven, proprietary sustainability products. As we face urgent issues like climate change, the ability of open source communities to quickly and inexpensively create solutions makes increasing sense.
Today's hyped "decentralised organisations/movements" share many characteristics with good old "offshore companies": They are both highly nontransparent & hence great for corruption & deception. The challenge is how to enable large scale transparent collaboration (opensource etc)
E-commerce boosts fresh grocery consumption in China: #P2P
Resonate – "the ethical music streaming co-op" @resonatecoop has open-sourced its stream2own player app: very sane move! congrats to @peteratomic and team! #Music #OpenSource #P2P
Digital DIY for self-sustainability of rural areas:
DIDIY, from agricultural extension to global villages and social makers:
The Free Knowledge Institute (FKI) is a non-profit organisation that fosters equal access to tools for production and exchange of knowledge in all areas of society. Inspired by the Free Software movement, the FKI promotes freedom of use, modification, copying and distribution of knowledge in several different but closely related fields. Accordingly, it promotes the commons economy.
Stockholm Resilience Centre - "Sustainability Science for Biosphere Stewardship": #Regenerative #Science #OpenSource #P2P
Elinor Ostrom on managing "common pool" resources:
Elinor Ostrom on resilient social-ecological systems:
David Bollier: Viewing Education as a Commons: #P2P
Demography not Democracy is the Future - Lee Kuan Yew
Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action - by Elinor Ostrom (1990) (PDF, alt-PDF, Buy). Related: Summary of "Governing the Commons" - by T.A. O'Lonergan,
A map of identified new commons and new commons issues.
SOURCE: Ostrom, E. 1990. Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Collection Action. Cambridge University Press.
Michel Bauwens: Are We Shifting to a New Post-Capitalist Value Regime?
"The P2P Revolution" - interview with @mbauwens (12min):
Formalizing user rights on the Web - talk by Paul Frazee at JSConf EU 2018
"The age-old sharing economies of Africa - and why we should scale them" - talk by Robert Neuwirth
"The power of the informal economy" - talk by Robert Neuwirth:
Sunrise Health - a Digital Peer Support System: