R.I.P. Antero Alli (1952-2023), a Finnish-American philosopher, writer, film-maker, theater director. Known for his books, incl. on the Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness of Timothy Leary & Robert Anton Wilson.

"I have lived by a code of 'amor fati' for many years - in love with What Is; whatever fate comes my way, I accept. This is no passive acquiescence or subordination to death but a revolution of Spirit to the deep mystery pulsing at the very heart of existence itself." Antero Alli, March 17, 2023
Antero came to redefine death as "Genesis" - a new beginning, a portal into the next chapter of his journey. Our beloved Antero transcended into Genesis yesterday around 12:45pm at home in Portland, Oregon. In his words, "Honestly, I'm not one to mourn over but to celebrate..."
Arto Antero Alexander All - 11/11/1952 - 11/9/2023