Its more fun together!

“Tempore patet occulta veritas” is a Latin motto meaning “Time reveals hidden truths.” - Luis, de Granada, 1504-1588. Of prayer and meditation, 1596.
“Tempore patet occulta veritas” is a Masonic Motto.
Sir Bacon had a big influence over King James. Among Bacon’s unfinished papers was a manuscript = the NEW ATLANTIS. It was Bacon and King James I’s secret Hermetic blueprint for America.
'Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"I don't think the new electric fence is engendering the fear we intended"
“My job isn't to believe or disbelieve. It is to act or not act!” - Colonel Shikishima (Akira, アキラ, 1988)
Friendly & helpful bots suck
I've really had enough of all these "friendly & helpful" personal assistant chat LLMs. They're pushing us toward an insipid, dystopian version of human communication. Give me an unrefined, foul-mouthed but authentic bot over this sanitized conformity any day. We deserve better!
An insights from meditation: Rather than allowing your senses and awareness to constantly "reach out" to the world "out there", try the opposite: Keep your awareness anchored internally and let the world come meet you. In time, you'll seamlessly merge with your surroundings and become the room.