Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

"This too shall pass" is a great attitude to have. In Japan there is the concept of shogiomujio (しょぎようむじよう). While complex to translate (more a cultural attitude than language), it means “the impermanence of all things”. In Arabic/Farsi "Inshallah" is related to this attitude as well.
Google MusicLM WTF
Someone please help me understand: Google's MusicLM seems to be trained on many years of music taken from YouTube. Pirate style, no rights cleared at all? But they added an inference filter that prevents the most obvious copyright crimes? Is that a legit biz strategy now? What's the message Google is sending to the music industry & artists with its MusicLM demo? "We'll exploit giant amounts of your music for AI training & watermark outputs - you get nothing in return"? A perplexing stance for a company preaching responsible AI?
250 years ago, English painter Joseph Wright captured audiences' fearful reactions to the latest technology in this painting. Back then it was a vacuum pump. Today it is AI.
Open Source MusicLM
Google's MusicLM Demo just dropped! Shoutout to the team. What's even cooler? Open Source MusicLM! Discover one of the first open implementation at https://github.com/zhvng/open-musiclm/ proudly supported by @okio_ai in its training efforts, among other models. The party is just starting 🎶
King Tubby's MCI console
In 1972 Tubby bought it from Byron Lee's Dynamic Sound studio (rumour has it that it originally came from Atlantic) and built a home studio in his mother’s bedroom at 18 Dromilly Avenue. Then he changed music.
"Scientists discover never-before-seen brain wave after reading octopuses' minds"
"Similarity to patterns observed in the mammalian hippocampus [...] unique 2Hz activity, that were never reported in other animals."
"Octopuses may be terrifically smart because of this genetic quirk they share with humans"
If you've met operatives from a time travel agency, chances are you'll remember it as if it's tomorrow. As Lewis Carroll will write in "Alice in Wonderland": “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.”
The "reality as machine" paradigm is a 19th century hangover, causing great havoc today. Embracing alternative paradigms, such as "Reality as Garden", leads to saner outcomes.
Image Source: "Chinese traditional medicine: an introductory overview"
Generative Doubt
After years of working with ML-generated text, I've developed a peculiar instinct: When hearing certain people speak, I can't shake the nagging suspicion that they might secretly be a poorly calibrated language model masquerading as a human.
Samim's Conjecture of Scientific Controversy: "The more profound and groundbreaking a scientific theory, the more likely it'll be met with ridicule."
Samim's Observation of Scientific Innovation: Many of the most fascinating scientific discoveries briefly surface just to tease us, then vanish like a magician's trick.
These are the last known photos of the Miskatonic University expedition to Sudan (1908). The expedition disappeared without a trace three days later in a sandstorm. No bodies or artifacts were recovered; attempts to reconstruct the location through global imaging have failed. Art by Andrea Bonazzi
Introducing "Generated with Nendo" - a label showcasing global creators harnessing the power of Nendo Generative AI Music Tool Suite. Our debut release is a mesmerizing performance by Michal Ho. Join the party: https://okio.ai/generatedwithnendo/ 🎶