Say no more - Art by J. L. Westover

In a society that abolishes adventure, the only adventure is in abolishing that society
Just learned that a wise senior lady I visited in the swiss mountains a few times, who taught me a lot in a short time, has passed away. Reminded me how precious life is and that we should cherish each day. Carpe diem.
FLEEN - Kisrhombilloid Shape Grammar Fractal Technology for Graphics, Animation and Generative Art - by John Greene
A shape grammar consists of a vocabulary of shape elements, a set of production rules and an initial shape. The production rules transform the initial shape into new shapes. The new shapes evolve by recursively applying the transformation rules to their sub-shapes.
The initiative to develop systems for "watermarking AI-generated media" for IP protection and trust assurance is, in some ways, related to the broader effort to create AI that embeds targeted subliminal messages for use in influence operations and advertising.
"The Tetris effect" occurs when someone dedicates vast amounts of time, effort and concentration on an activity which thereby alters their thoughts, experiences, dreams, and so on.
Future archaeologists might view the shift from millennia-old sacred temple construction to the modern tradition of building Apple Store consumer temples as a defining moment in the decline of human civilization.