The spacetime leaks are happening frequent. Reality integrity & security teams are struggling.
Prediction: As spacetime leaks often occur in coupled waves, expect more major infosec incidents soon, similar to massive data dumps or similar.

The spacetime leaks are happening frequent. Reality integrity & security teams are struggling.
Prediction: As spacetime leaks often occur in coupled waves, expect more major infosec incidents soon, similar to massive data dumps or similar.
Medieval knights battling snails
Snails are surprisingly common depictions in the marginalia of medieval manuscripts, often depicted in battle with armored knights.
Sometimes the creatures appear to be hovering, attacking knights in mid-air. Occasionally there is more than one. This is the uniquely medieval phenomenon of the fighting snail – and to this day, why they were depicted remains utterly mysterious...
But for a brief period in the late 13th Century, illuminators – those who decorated books – across Europe embraced a new obsession: fighting snails. For a comprehensive study of these warring gastropods, the art historian Lilian Randall counted 70 examples, in 29 different books – most of which were printed in the two decades between 1290 and 1310. The illustrations are found across Europe, but particularly in France, where there was a thriving manuscript-production industry at the time, says Clarke.
The specific scenarios that warring snails found themselves in varied, but broadly followed the same format of a snail-assailant standing off against a knight. Often, the molluscs have their antenna – technically their upper tentacles, or ommatophores – pointed aggressively forwards, as though they were swords. In one, a snail is shown fighting a nude woman. In a few they're not depicted as regular molluscs at all, but hybrids between snails and men – who are being ridden by rabbits, naturally.
More information, and many illustrations, at the BBC. Image (cropped for size) credit to The British Library.
Math puzzle: What fraction of the image is black?
Ignore the straight lines and express your answer as a fraction, not as a "series" extending to some asymptote. Answer from here: "If we ignore the lines, 1/3. Focus only on top left, bottom left and bottom right. 1 of them is black, 2 white. Top right is just a copy of it."
Can a species that eliminates itself in just a few million years be called "successful"?
"A successful leader of men must have character, ability and be prepared to take unlimited responsibility. Responsibility can only be learned by taking responsibility; you cannot learn the piano without playing on one. Leadership is the practical application of character. It implies the ability to command and to make obedience proud and free." - Richard Meinertzhagen, 1960