Flow - the Samim.io CMS - has been redesigned from the ground up. Open Source soon.

Been maintaining pen-friendships via sporadic emails with a few of the long time readers of my blog for many years. It is a source of joy and wonder. Thank you! Don't hesitate, reach out.
The Term "Weblog" Is 25 Years Old
The Wikipedia article for “Blog” says that the term was coined by Jorn Barger on December 17, 1997. Reading the Wikipedia article about Jorn Barger, we learn:
On December 17, 1997, inspired by Dave Winer's Scripting News and running on Winer's Frontier publishing software, Barger began posting daily entries to his Robot Wisdom Weblog in the hope of finding "an audience who might see the connections between [his] many interests." These postings featured "a list of links each day shaped by his own interests in the arts and technology," thus offering a "day-to-day log of his reading and intellectual pursuits” and coining the term "weblog" as a novel form of web publishing.
A “log of daily activities published on the web” became a “weblog” which then became a “blog”. I started what we now call “blogging” back in 2001 on a site called Robidog and been on and off blogging ever since, and since 2018 consistently on this site. Time flies. Happy Birthday to “weblog”!
EU Open Web Search Project Started
I’m looking forward to following this project, Djoerd! It sounds sort-of IndieWeb like. Where e.g. MicroSub decouples feed fetching from feed reading and Micropub writing from posting, this project decouples index building from the search. Within IndieWeb that allows the creation of a variety of personal tools, to read and write the web. I’ve long been musing about personal search engines and personal agents and crawlers without putting anything into action. I’m curious to see if this project will actually deliver some of the things I dreamt of over time, by enabling personal tools for search.
I must confess that i enjoy exploring old posts on this blog - a frequent source of joy and surprise.
And that's a wrap...2021. Happy New Year!
Thank you for your continued interest in this blog! I very much appreciate your attention and support. It's been a great year for samim.io, with over 2590 posts published on a wide range of topics. Until soon!
Bye Bye SillyCon Valley: Part2
After more than 10 years of active usage, i stopped posting on Twitter in September of 2019 and have not looked back since. A truly fantastic decision. Today, i finally completed this operation symbolically, by deleting all my old data on twitter: 47.7K tweets, 2,6 gigabytes. Good riddance.
As SillyCon Valley players continues to spiral further into the abyss of abusive insanity, it is vitally important for personal & global peace to stay as far away from their services as possible.
Dear readers of this blog:
Thank you for your continued interest, it is very much appreciated! Clearly our global civilization is in a special and delicate situation right now. My intentions are that all of you and your families successfully get through this turbulent period with lots of tranquility, well-being and fortune. I will pray for this. Beyond that, given the circumstances, i will work on remaining relaxed, patient, gentle, kind and loving - and have faith that things will turn out positively for all. Lets go with flow and react appropriately as things evolve. If you feel i can be of any help to you, please do reach out. Kind Regards, Samim
Samim.io: "Like going to a sauna with a cold shower afterwards"
Got the following message from a regular reader of this blog, based in Hong Kong. It made me smile: "Samim's blog: The last sane corner of the Internet. The (one of the rare, if not only) place where bullshit gets called out. Thanks for keeping posting, Samim. Visiting here feels like going to a sauna with a cold shower afterwards (that feels good!). ❣️"