European Assembly of the Commons: #P2P #Politics
tag > P2P
European cooperative Fairbnb wants to make the short-term rental market more just: #P2P
"Global Information Society Watch. 2018 - Community Networks" - by @APC_News: 43 country reports selected based on definition: “communication networks built, owned, operated and used by citizens in a participatory and open manner.”
Interview with Giulio Quaggiotto @gquaggiotto. #Politics #P2P
The growing outrage about rampant economic inequalities and rise of total surveillance police states run by mega-corps more powerful than nations, is largely wasted energy if no practical actions follow: It's time for a p2p take-over of infrastructure - the kleptocrats bank.
Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation - EU Policy:
Collective Awareness In The European Union by Fabrizio Sestini at CSW Europe 2016:
The P2Pvalue Project Promoting the Tech Commons:
"Mapping Digital Social Innovation. 3: Food, Environment & Climate Change" - report by @waag: #Regenerative #OpenSource #P2P #ClimateChange
Meet the People Building Their Own Internet in Detroit:
Interview with Lorenzo Tripodi
Paul Mason: “Information technology is going to erode the need for work”: #Economics #Politics #Automation #OpenSource #P2P
Headlines from Google IO in a parallel dimension:
- Google Coop: 51% of corp ownership transfer to worker run cooperative.
- Google Climate: 51% of profits allocated to climate change resilience innovations.
- Google Open: Radical org shift towards open source & p2p.
People Are Clamoring to Buy Old Insulin Pumps - How an obsolete medical device with a security flaw became a must-have for some patients with type 1 diabetes: - Open Artificial Pancreas System project is an open and transparent effort to make safe and effective basic Artificial Pancreas System (APS) technology widely available to more quickly improve and save as many lives as possible and reduce the burden of Type 1 diabetes: #OpenSource #P2P #Health
"The Restart Project helps people learn how to repair their broken electronics, and rethink how they consume them in the first place":
"Peer to Peer - The Commons Manifesto" - book by @mbauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, Alex Pazaitis:
#P2P #OpenSource #Politics #Economics -
The community network manual : how to build the Internet yourself - by
Cosmo+Localization and the Emergence of Homo-mutualis - talk by Dr.Jose Ramos
- - "A worldwide community of farmers that build and modify our own tools. Share hacks online and at meet ups because we become better farmers when we work together."