Wildfires and blackouts mean Californians need solar panels and microgrids - Distributed energy is the path to resilience: https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2019/10/28/20926446/california-grid-distributed-energy

Wildfires and blackouts mean Californians need solar panels and microgrids - Distributed energy is the path to resilience: https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2019/10/28/20926446/california-grid-distributed-energy
"Cultivating a city: How inventive urban production is gaining ground in Vienna": https://www.freundevonfreunden.com/features/coffee-grown-mushrooms-and-other-feats-of-urban-production-in-vienna/
Comensi toolkit for community engagement - by @tesseraeUSR:
Scuttlebutt, a decentralized social platform:
"How to Create a Thriving Global Commons Economy" - by @VasilisKostakis & @mbauwens : https://thenextsystem.org/learn/stories/how-create-thriving-global-commons-economy #P2P #OpenSource #Economics #Regenerative
"End of the open source agriculture workshop": https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/end-of-the-open-source-agriculture-workshop/2019/06/13 #Regenerative #OpenSource #P2P
New MITcocreation "Collective Wisdom" Study is out: https://cocreationstudio.mit.edu Exploring why collective creation is highly relevant today. #Projects #P2P #Creativity
I've contributed some ideas, which you can find quoted in the report.
"The “open source soundscapes” methodology addresses this gap of knowledge and, by arguing that quietness is a commons, it places people at the heart of the quiet areas evaluation and planning process": https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/noise.2017.4.issue-1/noise-2017-0008/noise-2017-0008.xml #Urban #Design #P2P
"Maker Faire halts operations and lays off all staff": #P2P #OpenSource
A funny world we live in, where there are 100s of highly profitable "shit you really don't need" e-commerce startups, yet an organisation that empowers adults & children to do DYI crafting & science collapses.
Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravelry
A free social networking service, beta-launched in May 2007. It functions as an organizational tool for a variety of fiber arts including knitting, crocheting, spinning, and weaving. Members share projects, ideas, and their collection of yarn, fiber, and tools via various components.
Wikifactory is a social platform for collaborative product development. Designed for open source communities, designers and product companies: https://wikifactory.com/ #OpenSource #P2P #Design #Infrastructure
Placemaking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placemaking
Participatory design: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participatory_design
Werkraum - Alphabet of Life - Nature's Learning Lab I Alphabet des Lebens - Lernwerkstatt Natur: http://en.werkraum.at/
Handwerk + Form: Wettbewerb/competition & Ausstellungsrundgang/walkabout
Handwerk + Form - Wettbewerb und Ausstellungsrundgang:
Jan Boelen in dialog with Indy Johar / 150 Years of the MAK
The eclectic Jan Boelen, director of the Z33 Arts Centre in Hasselt and of the Ljubljana Biennial of Design (BIO), presents the 50th edition, where a team approach will triumph:
Time School or a School of Time:
Margaret McCurry Lectureship in the Design Arts: Jan Boelen, “Design as Learning”
Opening Talk "Victor Papanek - The Politics of Design" 28 September 2018
Z33 debates: Designing Futures - future thinking with Tobias Revell and Jan Boelen:
CTMBRU - Jan BOELEN, Z33, Atelier Luma
#Urban #P2P #Design #Politics #Technology #Art #Architecture #Regenerative #FFHCI
A new model of production for a new economy: https://p2pfoundation.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/A-New-Model-of-Production-for-a-New-Economy-FINAL.pdf
Die Welt reparieren - Open Source und Selbermachen als postkapitalistische Praxis: http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-3377-1/die-welt-reparieren/?number=978-3-8376-3377-1
Do it ourselves: Digital platform for self-organisation in urban planning - research through design: https://dspace.cc.tut.fi/dpub/bitstream/handle/123456789/26735/Mitish.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Urbanmetabolis: https://iabr.nl/media/document/original/urban_metabolism_rotterdam.pdf
Visionaries of Regenerative Design V: Victor Papanek (1927–1998): https://medium.com/@designforsustainability/visionaries-of-regenerative-design-v-victor-papanek-1927-1998-57019605997
Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy: https://p2pfoundation.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Synthetic-overview-of-the-collaborative-economy.pdf
Design as impulse for a regenerative economy - responsibility of design for industrial production: http://ipo.opencircularity.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/WeTurn_byMaxFabian.pdf
Frei, fair und lebendig – Die Macht der Commons: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-4530-9/frei-fair-und-lebendig-die-macht-der-commons/?number=978-3-8394-4530-3
Cosmo-localization': can thinking globally and producing locally really save our planet? https://www.ouishare.net/article/cosmo-localization-can-thinking-globally-and-producing-locally-really-save-our-planet
Cosmo-localism and the futures of material production: https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/cosmo-localism-futures-material-production/2016/06/01
Cosmolocalism - design global, manufacture local: https://www.cosmolocalism.eu/
FabHub - Digital Design Made: https://www.fabhub.io
To Find Alternatives to Capitalism, Think Small - Why co-ops, regional currencies, and hackerspaces are pointing the way toward a new economic vision: https://www.thenation.com/article/to-find-alternatives-to-capitalism-think-small/
If a city is resilient, is it also sustainable? Researchers present a new framework to resolve this question: https://www.stockholmresilience.org/research/research-news/2019-04-09-if-a-city-is-resilient-is-it-also-sustainable.html
Energy Atlas 2018: Figures and Facts about Renewables in Europe: https://www.boell.de/en/energy-atlas-figures-and-facts-about-renewables-europe
Urban Systems Lab: http://urbansystemslab.com/projects
Patrick Geddes In India : From Synthesis To Integration: http://hodgers.com/mike/patrickgeddes/feature.html
"The wealth of the Commons - a world beyond market & state the boom of commons-based peer production" - by christian siefkes: http://wealthofthecommons.org/essay/boom-commons-based-peer-production #OpenSource #P2P #Economics
How to build a more organic internet (and stand up to corporations):
https://theconversation.com/how-to-build-a-more-organic-internet-and-stand-up-to-corporations-70815 #P2P #OpenSource #Technology #Regenerative