Resisting what is VS Accepting what is

Drowning in AI Generated Garbage : the silent war we are fighting
All over the web, we are witnessing very spectacular results from statistic algorithms that have been in the work for the last forty years. We gave those algorithms an incredibly catchy name: "Artificial Intelligence". [...] All of this has been made possible because billions of humans were uploading and sharing texts and pictures on the commons we call "the Internet" [...] What we are witnessing is thus not "artificial creativity" but a simple "statistical mean of everything uploaded by humans on the internet which fits certain criteria". It looks nice. It looks fantastic. While they are exciting because they are new, those creations are basically random statistical noise tailored to be liked. [...] But one thing is happening really fast. Those "artificial" creations are also uploaded on the Internet. Those artificial artefacts are now part of the statistical data. [...] The algorithms are already feeding themselves on their own data. And, as any graduate student will tell you, training on your own results is usually a bad idea. You end sooner or later with pure overfitted inbred garbage. Eating your own shit is never healthy in the long run.
And consider the following comment from Niti:
Also consider the following comment from Zach:
Front World
The mafias, intel agencies, mega corporations, religious cults and other cryptocrats around the world all heavily rely on large networks of seemingly independent but fully controlled front-companies and front-people to act in the world. They are strategically positions to control all sides of a field/industry and include controlled opposition elements. Fronts are the majority of everything that is widely known/popular today 🐙
What Octopus and Human Brains Have in Common
Octopuses have a massively expanded repertoire of miRNA in their neural tissue, reflecting a similar development to that which occurred in vertebrates. Findings suggest miRNA plays a significant role in the development of complex brains.
“This is the third-largest expansion of microRNA families in the animal world, and the largest outside of vertebrates”
'Zombie' Virus Reanimated After 50,000 Years In Siberian Permafrost
French researchers have reanimated over a dozen prehistoric viruses which have been trapped deep within the Siberian permafrost for nearly 50 million years, according to a pre-print study. After obtaining seven ancient permafrost samples, scientists from the French National Centre for Scientific Research were able to document 13 never-before-seen viruses that had been lying dormant in the ice.
Scientists may have found something unfathomably massive living under Antarctica
According to a study published in Frontiers in Marine Science, researchers have discovered a massive living world below Antarctica’s icy surface that could be as big as 5 million square kilometers. This continent is often thought of as having a hostile climate and has been ground zero for the changes that rising global temperatures bring. For decades, scientists have studied the photosynthetic algae that forms around Antarctica in the summer months, believing that it only emerges when the ice has melted, giving way for sunlight to reach the algae. Now, though, research suggests that there could still be a massive amount of these algae living permanently underneath the ice that covers the continent. Essentially, that would put a massive world living under the Antarctic ice, which is insane to think about considering how hostile we believe that area of the world to be.
Entanglement between superconducting qubits and a tardigrade
A tardigrade has become the first multicellular organism to be observed in a quantum entangled state, after scientists coupled the animal to a superconducting quantum bit (‘qubit’) and then entangled that combined system with another qubit. In the process of undergoing the experiment, the tardigrade also set a new record for survival under extreme conditions: it spent 420 hours at sub-10mK temperatures and pressure of 6 × 10−6 mbar.
"100 3D-printed homes in Wolf Ranch community will range from 1,574 to 2,112 square feet and feature high-end fixtures and rooftop solar panels. Prices will start in the mid USD 400,000s. The process currently requires three human operators to build one house — wall systems including plumbing and wiring — in two weeks."