After virtual idols, Korea is introducing virtual actors as well - "Newly broadcasted K-drama “Bad Girlfriend” has become the talk of town after the appearance of an AI actress."

After virtual idols, Korea is introducing virtual actors as well - "Newly broadcasted K-drama “Bad Girlfriend” has become the talk of town after the appearance of an AI actress."
The automation of social engineering, influence- and psychological operations, information- and cognitive warfare at scale was one of the biggest early successes of Artificial Intelligence. It was so successful, that virtually nobody talks about it publicly in detail. On the flip-side, Artificial Intelligence is rapidly bringing down the cost of conducting such operations at scale. Access to tools & methods are being democratized which creates asymmetries in the ecosystem and changes the balance of power.
Mao, in 1971
"In another 50 years China will be very strong, and by that time the Chinese Communist Party will be a hundred years old. Amerika will most likely be very envious and restless, but it doesn’t dare attack China, not even with a single bullet. It will research germ contamination instead. That is very unconscionable. After it finishes with this unconscionable deed, it will self-destruct."
Artificial Empathy
It is perplexing how so many people are excited for Artificial Intelligence yet seemingly do not care much about the very intelligent beings all around them. Spending just 30min learning about how we treat animals or what the state of biodiversity is, will shock & change anyone.
AI Artist - Comic by Calponpon
#Comment: Something about it taking 10,000h of practice to master something & how the practice itself is the goal and profoundly changes one character... But then again who cares, stop calling it "Art" and be done with the silly discussion. Generative Media is a form of communication.
A parasitic fungus erupts from the body of a fly in the Tambopata National Reserve in Peru. Evolutionary biologist Roberto García Roa captured the shot, which won this year’s BMC Ecology and Evolution image competition. The spores of the ‘zombie’ fungus infiltrate the fly’s exoskeleton and brain and compel it to migrate to a location that is more favourable for the fungus’s growth.
For the current generation of children that will grow up in an environment where the majority of media they consume will be A.I generated, how will the feeling of nostalgia change compared to previous generations?
Zhan Zhuang - Standing like a tree - is a way of being
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