Tao Te Ching – Verse 38

Linus Torvalds has transformed the world more profoundly than any politician, manager, intellectual, banker or priest has in the past 100 years.
While the AI revolution is profound, so far you can't dance to it. This is about to change.
Imagine a future where a handful of powerful incumbents monopolize the burgeoning generative music landscape, using forceful tactics to maintain their stronghold. This would stifle artistic freedom & innovation, even as these giants claim to champion the very opposite.
Intelligence is the easy bit. Inter-species cooperation and ecosystem balance across the web of life is the complex bit. Love is the eternal mystery.
A country/industry/person which believes the best way to do things is always going "faster, harder, bigger, better, stronger, more more more", is immature and has lost the plot. Instead relax, focus your attention, make smarter & more compassionate decision, and enjoy the ride.
Replace most business meetings with group meditations. Silence is far more effective than empty words.
People that are super excited about the possibility of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) but have no interest in Real General Intelligence (NATURE) are a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.