Daoist Weather Magic and Feng Shui - by Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson (PDF)

Messing up the chronology and making the substance of the story incomprehensible does not make a cosmic horror; it just makes a mess.
Given the AI video generation models being revealed publicly now, for how long do you think intelligence agencies etc. had such models? 2y? 6y? 10+? How extensively do you think they have been covertly used?
Comic about "the God helmet" - Stanley Koren & Michael Persinger's famous device that created religious experiences through weak magnetic fields
"Magnetically Induced Hallucinations" are a fascinating phenomenon. But it is "Hallucination Induced Magnetism" where things get truly interesting.
Exercise is one of the very most effective treatments for depression. So finds another large review of >200 studies. Higher intensity exercise (getting your heart pounding faster) had larger effects.