Jiang Kangzhen's results

OTRAG - Orbital Transport Raketen Aktiengesellschaft & The German Elon of the 70s
The Living City – The Rise and Fall, and Rise Again of Sir Patrick Geddes
Patrick Geddes is regarded by many as the father of citizen participation, and is renowned for his theories based on the “autonomous community” and “bottom-up” planning. He pioneered the place-making approach, was founder of the urban conservation movement and originated the phrase, “Think Global, Act Local”.
"a good interpolative retrieval engine from an enormous databank of persuasive writing" (source)
John von Neumann at age 11 with his cousin (Image: Michael Vonneumann and Cantor’s Paradise)
The Four Principles for Mind and Body Unification, as defined by Kiochi Tohei . When mind and body are unified, calm and harmony prevail. Mizu no kokoro (a mind like water).