Scheduling Contention Scope (in complex human civilization and the technologies it buillds)
Contention Meter to Better Negotiations
The Three Dimension Negotiation Triangle
Los Grados Del Curandero - By Pablo Amaringo, pioneer of visionary art
To send material to Cryptome "anonymously":
- Consider that the odds are very high that Cryptome or any other disclosure initiative (anonymizer, leak site, paste, doc-drop, torrent) is a deception operation, witting or unwitting, and avoid their use.
- Protect yourself and never trust any method proposed by a receiver of your material. Never believe assurances of privacy and security for it is customary to deceive about them, witting or unwitting, and inevitable failures are never fully admitted.
- Presume there are no secure means to anonymously transmit online due to the basic design of the Internet to minutely track transmitted data despite illusory promises of anonymizing, cloaking and hiding services.
- Presume undisclosed sysadmin surveillance throughout the online transmittal path.
- Presume there are no fully secure means to encrypt digital material due to the unbridgeable gap between programming limitations of digital data and the engineering indequacies of analog devices to handle it.
- Presume every program, device and system has a traceable embedded unique ID or electromagnetic performance signature.
- If a host is used, run a series of test submssions of provocative but benign material to see what happens. Place "dye markers" in the material to trace its movement. Expect tampering, ruse, subterfuge, false assurance.
- "Not traceable to you," repeated below, is the hardest part only you can do.
Art by Nikolai Roerich (Russian 1874-1947)
Stairway of the Temple of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Laura Gilpin (1891 - 1979), 1932
You don't need to go fast in order to go far
"Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists." ~ Nikola Tesla
Mount Sinai, showing the approach to Mount Sinai, 1839 painting by David Roberts, in The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia
"I think that everyone is capable of opening up and becoming aware. Obviously when we are too aware of something we suffer a little more than others who feel nothing. But with that the colors of life are all different. You live in another dimension." - Blanche Merz
It finally dawned on me that running an AI music tech company but personally never listening to AI generated music might be a tad too ironic and confused?
A Banker? - An Ivan Ehlers comic
Om mani padme hum