The serpent tamer - Art by Jon Carling
Pollinators for Peace
While you are building walls of GPUs in military datacenters that will be totally outdated in 12m, these powerful walls of the monastery have lasted for thousand of years unchanged.
The Adderall Epidemic in the US is absolutely flabbergasting. They had 43 million prescriptions for the drug last year & that's just the official number. The effects of Adderall are completely underestimated and devastating in the mid-term, and it shows.
AI generated images aren't quite perfect yet
To conduct and support high tech genocide with unfettered brutality & simultaneously babble something about the rise of "artificial super intelligence", is a clear sign of societal stupidity & accelerating degeneration.
Nothing but a spectacle
Our American friends possess a remarkable knack for turning every facet of life into a commercialized spectacle. Whether it's tech, spirituality, childcare, science, or philosophy, the discourse inevitably devolves into a cacophony of marketing, shouting & superficiality. The overarching objective appears to be nothing more than extracting profit through manipulation. Even meaning itself is for sale for $9.99.
Patterns of Patterns
And the genocide continues..
“More children have been killed by Israel in Gaza than have been killed in all armed conflicts globally, every year, over the past four years.” —Save the Children President and CEO, Janti Soeripto
“In the past month, Israel has bombed Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria, all the while claiming it’s the victim.” —Irish MEP Clare Daly
And 500 similarly atrocious headlines in the past month.
The largest coat of arms of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe whose slogan is “ SURVEILLANCE IS THE PRICE OF FREEDOM ”
Sir Hugh Francis Paget Sinclair set up the MI6 and GCHQ was descended from Lord Hertford. Hertford married Fitzroy whose grandfather was illegitimate son of Charles II. Charles II's grandmother is Marie de Medici. His ancestors were Knights of Garter.
A great civilization is not conquered from without until is has destroyed itself from within - W.Durant
The truth about Carlos Lehder, Pablo Escobar’s feared associate - The drug lord recounts his life as a key member of the Medellín Cartel after leaving a US prison, where he served 33 years.