"Software Development is 90% culture and psychology and 10% technology. Augmentation must act accordingly." - Samim
"Technology is easy. Physics is easy. People are hard." - @Gwynne_Shotwell, SpaceX COO (source)
Yunomine Onsen, Japan, The World Heritage Site, Nachi Falls, A 600-year-old large ginkgo tree at Kagu Shrine in Hiroshima Prefecture.
It is fascinating to compare the complexity of the administrative pathway to a ministerial decision maker in New Zealand vs Norway which have similar sized populations. And this is just central government - it doesn’t include the 67 territorial authorities (13 city councils, 53 district councils and the Chatham Islands Council ), plus the 11 regional councils. (Graph Source)
A Tibetan Buddhist temple in the highlands of upper western Nepal built with a mixture of pagoda architecture, resembling a Hindu temple at first glance. May all sentient beings be happy and mindful.
The Timetronics Revolution is slowly going mainstream
My political philosophy is very straight forward: