As bedtime stories, I’m telling my 5-year-old Homer's Odyssey—from my questionable memory, remixed as pirate saga. It’s making me appreciate just how genius these archetypal tales really are. Ancient storytellers owned memespace.

As bedtime stories, I’m telling my 5-year-old Homer's Odyssey—from my questionable memory, remixed as pirate saga. It’s making me appreciate just how genius these archetypal tales really are. Ancient storytellers owned memespace.
Drawing of children age 5-6 years with and without a TV watching habit. What about AI?
Mount Emei (峨眉山) is a 3,099-metre-tall mountain in Sichuan Province, China, and is the highest of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of China.
Psychogeography - is about finding new ways to explore familiar spaces. It’s a fancy name for a playing with an environment. There are various definitions, but the best way to approach it is through an example:
"An awareness of & openness to the psychological effects of environment and space upon the individual"
Take a map of the area where you live. Place a glass upside-down on the map and draw around the edge. Now, go outside with the map, and try to walk as close as you can to the edge of this circle. Make a note of the things you see, staying alert for novelty or strangeness. You could take photos, scribble notes, use voice memos, post to social media, or just remember what you see. At the end of the walk, review what you have produced.
"Landscapes are the chosen agents of reality" - Iain Sinclair
"Unlike the brain, the stomach alerts you when its empty." - African proverb
People that believe that the introduction of AI into government bureaucracy will magically lead to more "efficiency" and less headcount are foolish short term thinkers. The effects of technological augmentation are hard to foresee.
In the Internet of Bodies "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"
German Word of the Day: Dummkopf
Hard to translate directly into English, but it captures the essence of "blockhead," "dimwit," "doofus," "dummy," "moron," or just plain "stupid." A versatile classic!