AI & robotics advancements challenge the strategic autonomy of organizations, from companies to nations. Smaller players are especially vulnerable. Urgent national action plans, including aggressive market protection and innovation strategies, are essential to stay competitive
tag > Automation
In the next 20 years, AI & robotics will drive massive productivity gains. The big question: will the owner class share those gains with the 99%? Historically, the answer has been a clear no.
In the AI/UX/HCI field, it's inherently assumed that increasing computer usage is always beneficial. Few have the courage to challenge this status quo & explore how smarter machines could help us use computers less, freeing up more time for people & nature.
#ML #HCI #Design #Comment #Ideas #Augmentation #Automation #Economics
George Friedrich Keller's "Machinery Monopolizes Labor" a cartoon that appeared in the American nativist publication 'The WASP" (1879)
In a society where 98% of the means of production are fully automated, what will people do with their time?
Fitt's List - from “Human engineering for an effective air navigation and traffic control system.” Report, National Research Council, Washington DC USA - by Fitts, P. M., et al. (1951).
Why the Fitts list has persisted throughout the history of function allocation
#Prediction: There will soon be great demand for effective solutions for the millions of people that will be permanently out work due to AI replacement. Mutual aid will be critical. An enormous creative potential is being unleashed, If managed well. If not, big trouble ahead.
A cartoonist from 1923 predicted automated artwork in 2023
#Art #Comedy #Generative #History #Automation #ML #Creativity
"Efficiency is a highly developed form of laziness"
What every A.I company won't tell it's employees: If management had an A.I that's able to do the work, they would replace all human employees with it today.
Cleaning a store selling robotic vacuum cleaners, with a vacuum cleaner manually...
Today in "the fall of civilization": 🤡 "Mouse Jigglers", devices that generate random movement from your mouse so your work-from-home surveillance software thinks you're working.
🤡 Augmented-reality glasses put a smile on everyone's face...
🤡 Corona madness keeps escalating & getting exponentially more expensive to maintain
🤡 The collapse of legitimacy and end of authority continues at breathtaking speed
"In this job market, more workers are choosing AI over humans for career advice" (CNBC)
"More specifically, the Oracle study found that 82% of employees believe AI can support their careers better than humans."
#Comment: This has little to do with real advances in "AI" (I had the "pleasure" of working on interactive ML systems for career support at G), and a lot to do with the collapse of interpersonal relationships and trust. Related: "Thoughts on Sanity in Times of Automated Insanity"