Leveraging centralized platforms for hosting ML models/data, which claim independence but are subtly controlled by big tech, is a misguided approach 💩. BitTorrent & P2P nets are useful for genuinely open data and avoiding the pitfalls of hidden man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks
tag > P2P
The decline of the octopus is opening unique opportunities to disrupt the balance of power. Large-scale p2p distributed information warfare networks augmented by weaponized open source AI capabilities, are an obvious and increasingly impactful factor.
"85% of what determines health is upstream - in communities, where people are enabled to care. But 85% of our health spending is downstream, on doctors". - Source
Open-source fundamentally changes the dynamics of competition
Open-source fundamentally changes the dynamics of competition: In the closed-source world, competitor relationships are defined by intense fighting & secrecy. In open-source, competitors can be far more collaborative and transparent, escaping zero-sum game traps.
Participating in open source culture is a heart warming act of neighbourly love 🥰