In 1945 John von Neumann published the EDVAC paper, which became the technological basis for all modern computers & included decisions like using binary to represent numbers

In 1945 John von Neumann published the EDVAC paper, which became the technological basis for all modern computers & included decisions like using binary to represent numbers
Seymour Cray, the inventor of the Cray 1 the world's first supercomputer, drew inspiration for his work from the elves who would talk to him while he dug tunnels by hand.
Niels Bohr once had a visitor at his house ask him if he really believed the horseshoe above his door really brought him good luck. Bohr responded: "Of course not... but I am told it works even if you don't believe in it."
The complexities of the sun
The distance of where you are from the Sun is constantly changing because the Earth's orbit around the Sun is VERY irregular. Start by learning the three Milankovitch Cycles, then look into Solar Inertial Motion. None of this has anything to do with humans. None of this has anything to do with CO2. The models of the Solar System you grew up believing as a child were gross over simplifications. They conditioned you to believe that the Solar system has regular orbits, of which the Earth is one. Yet that is not the reality: not only the earth both tilts and wobbles as it orbits, but the orbit is an ellipse not a sphere, meaning the distance from the Sun is not constant. These are the three Milankovitch cycles. Then the combined mass of the planets also changes the centre of the Orbit, meaning the Sun appears to move rather than being in the fixed centre of the Solar System. This is called Solar Inertial Motion. And this is just the beginning of the story of irregularity in the Earth's orbit around the Sun, then there are cycles of Sun activity, making it stronger and weaker according to how many Solar Flares we are exposed to.
"Boomers are going to move into assisted living retirement communities owned by private equity, and all this wealth will be completely stripped out of the population."
Why did opium production in Afghanistan fall by 99% after the US military left?
"85% of what determines health is upstream - in communities, where people are enabled to care. But 85% of our health spending is downstream, on doctors". - Source
IKEA's corporate structure is a marvel.
Their business is technically owned by two foundations; one of which does an IP leaseback to the other to shroud profit via royalties. Report estimates they avoided $1b in taxes between 2009 and 2014.
The Diamond Sutra on the wisdom of impermanence: "All conditioned phenomenon exist like dreams, illusions, bubbles, shadows, like drops of dew and flashes of lighting. In this way all things should be contemplated."