Evolutionary tree of "unconventional" bodies and minds - by Jeremy Guay

Evolutionary tree of "unconventional" bodies and minds - by Jeremy Guay
The value of an (existing) tree🌳
We love planting new trees, but there's NOTHING as precious as an old tree. The word graphic says it all..
Visualise a 100 year old beech, almost 20 metres high and with a treetop diameter of 12 metres. It’s got 600,000 leaves which convert its base of 120 square metres into some 1,200 square metres of leaf-surface.
Due to the physical structure of the leaves themselves, this amounts to a total surface area of 14,000 square metres for gaseous exchange, which equals the area of two football pitches.
On a sunny day, this tree converts 9,400 litres, i.e. 18 kilogrammes, of carbon dioxide. With a carbon dioxide concentration of 0.03% in the air, almost 36,000 cubic metres of air have to flow through these leaves.
The leaves also filter out many airborne particles like bacteria, fungal spores, dust and other harmful substances. At the same time the tree evaporates almost 400 litres of water per day and in doing so it humidifies the air.
Furthermore, through photosynthesis, the tree produces 13 kilograms of oxygen, which equals the needs of 10 people. Moreover, the tree produces 12 kilograms of sugar on a single day, from which it develops all its organic substances.
Some of these substances are accumulated as starch, others are used to build up the tree’s new wood.
If the tree is chopped down, because it must give way for a new road or someone has complained about the shade from the tree or just because the space is needed for a new shed, one would have to plant some 2,000 new trees, each with a tree top volume of one cubic metre in order to compensate fully for the loss of the tree. The cost of this would amount to roughly £150,000.
(Credit: @barchams)
“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God’s eye are one eye, one seeing, one love.” - Meister Eckhart
Technology Tree Control is an age-old strategy which has heavily influenced the evolution of humanity. Through meticulous monitoring and forecasting of pivotal developments in science and engineering, and by securing influence over crucial players and insights, technological progress can effectively be guided and suppressed. This approach is instrumental for the covert development of highly advanced parallel tech trees, shaping the future discreetly yet decisively.
Stories from the Federal Bureau of Control’s paranormal headquarters
The mysterious, windowless, apocalypse-proof building known by its address, 33 Thomas Street, is the subject of much speculation. Formerly known as the AT&T Long Lines Building, it is assumed to be one of the NSA’s mass surveillance hubs codenamed TITANPOINTE. In an episode of the X-Files, cellphone data is used to copy consciousness and upload it into a virtual heaven hosted on servers in the Long Lines Building. However, virtual heaven ends up like digital slavery.
In the video game Control, the Federal Bureau of Control’s paranormal headquarters, where the inside is bigger than the outside, is based on 33 Thomas Street. The FBC is a secret government agency that investigates and contains AWEs, or Altered World Events, which are supernatural phenomena affected by the collective unconscious. The FBC also fights against the Hiss, an entity that corrupts reality, which they accidentally let invade through the HQ’s portal into the Astral Plane.
So, is there really a simulation or a portal inside the building at 33 Thomas Street? Perhaps these concepts are one and the same. All you need to do to create a portal into the collective unconscious is give everyone a cell phone that feeds them the same ideas. The real portal is the mind, or the imagination, and what we let into it eventually comes back out in some way, shape, or form.
Ironically, the FBC from Control was actually based on the SCP Foundation, a fictional secret organization and online collaborative writing project responsible for creating creepypastas and other forms of digital folklore. Memes can become hyper-real, and something fake can have very real effects, such as the Slender Man stabbing.
The Truth & Beauty AI Psyop
top and bottom quarks were originally called "truth" and "beauty" quarks. "satya" in sanskrit = truth - "sundar" in sanskrit = beauty. the 2 mfs competing in the race to AGI are named after opposing fundamental particles