Detach from the laws of detachment to detach from detachment. Embrace it.

Global Smartphone Sales Share by Operating System.
Prediction: The rise of HarmonyOS will be dramatic and fast. By 2030, Harmony will be the leading mobile OS across the non western world, leaping ahead of Android in key technology areas.
Question everything
ChadGPT's take. After a few prompts it goes full on Computational Comedy about the conspiracy of the "Orbital Illuminati" and their advanced technologies. LOL!
And it keeps on going...
Wedding ceremony of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in Versailles and great fireworks along the royal canal, in 1770. According to official history, there was no electricity at that time for another 100 years.
Somebody please ask ChadGPT what he thinks about Wedding ceremony of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in Versailles.... or about Dolf Schicklgruber post-WW2 in Argentina:
Chinese generative AI to account for a third of industry’s economic value by 2035
A research unit affiliated with China’s industry ministry predicts generative AI in China will produce US$4.2 trillion in economic value in the next 12 years. The manufacturing, retail, telecoms and healthcare industries are leading adoption of these technologies, the group said, which have been proliferating in China.
The Great Arms Bazaar of the Nineteenth Century - In the late nineteenth century, fed by the disintegration of the Ottoman empire, the European arms race created a global military surplus.
"The Mysterious Mr. Zedzed: The Wickedest Man in the World" - Sir Basil Zaharoff was the archetypal “merchant of death”—an arms salesman who made a career out of selling to both sides in a conflict.
December 2023: Zelensky met with US arms manufacturers yesterday in Washington, DC. Here he is pictured alongside executives from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, and others. Looks like many lucrative business opportunities still ahead for these valued partners.
The music ownership ouroboros - an interactive diagram to map out the macro ownership structures of the modern music business, with a focus on the growing influence of non-industry-native institutions.
International Standards: Compilation of Good Practices for Intelligence Agencies and their Oversight - Report to the UN Human Rights Council by the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism