"Anarchist just want to ban bans, i.e., a meta-ban." - N.Nash Cage

“Who is the great master, the magician that makes the grass green?” - Zen Koan by Pope Bob (Robert Anton Wilson)
“The Hermetic tradition was that there is no such thing as pure reason, you have to first work on your own perceiving apparatus to correct your prejudices, and the scientist is not separate from what the scientist observes. The general yogic attitude, “You are the master that makes the grass green”, western science lost that insight, and from Newton onwards we have the idea that it doesn’t matter who you are, if you follow scientific procedure you’ll find the truth.
This began to break down after 1900, due to Sigmund Freud, who pointed out that even scientists, they’re human beings, they may have neurosis, and they may have elaborate rationalizations for neurosis. The influence of Karl Marx pointed out that no matter what you’re theorizing about it’s a mirror of your economic status.
Anthropologists started coming back with reports of alternative reality tunnels, and that no matter what reality tunnel you live in, the world will organize itself in your perception to be compatible with that reality tunnel.
So, science began to have data to look at science itself critically. That’s how intelligence increases, when intelligence looks at intelligence and criticizes intelligence. So we got to the point where we could look at science and say, “science is the product of people!”
People are doing this, and their prejudices are getting into it. It’s not just enough to say you will be objective, you’ve got to learn to change yourself from the inside out before you can even approximate towards objectivity.“
"Never believe fully in anybody else’s B.S. (Belief System), I don’t care if it’s Rajneesh, The Pope, L. Ron Hubbard, Al Gore, George Bush…I don’t care who it is, don’t swallow all of their belief system totally. Don’t accept all of their bullshit, all their B.S. The second rule is like unto to the first: Don’t believe totally in your own B.S.
Which means that, as Bucky Fuller said, "The universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events.”
The universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events. Which means any belief system or reality tunnel you’ve got right now is gonna have to be revised and updated as you continue to apprehend new events later in time.
Not simultaneously.
This is the natural functioning of the human brain. It’s the way children’s brains perform before they’re wrecked by the school system. It’s the way the minds of all great scientists and artists work. But once you have a belief system, everything that comes in either gets ignored if it doesn’t fit the belief system, or gets distorted enough so that it can fit into the belief system. You gotta be continually revising your map of the world.”
- Pope Bob (Robert Anton Wilson)
"Listen to everything until is all belongs together and you are part of it" - Pauline Oliveros
The Inexplicable Fine-Tuning of the Foundational Forces in Our Universe to Support Life
Princes Of Plunder - The Shape Of Treachery And The Bridge At Arnhem - By David Guyatt
By David Guyatt
President George W Bush has his way, then the spread of the American
system of democracy will continue to proliferate around the world.
There are those, however, who argue that the American form
of “democracy” has little to do with genuine democratic representation
but rather more closely resembles a revolving fascist dictatorship
beholden to the interests of a wealthy elite and big business.
form of government, it is argued, has as its underlying model the
European Synarchist movement that was founded in the 1870’s, by Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre.
St Yves considered the medieval Knights Templars to be ultimate
Synarchists of their time and consequently drew on Templar ideals
when formulating his ideas.
Yves movement came to the fore in the early 1920’s, following the
end of WWI and the signing of the Versailles Treaty
. In its essence, Synarchy advocates that government
be run by a secret society or cabal – “an elite of enlightened initiates
who rule from behind the scenes.”
As authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
describe it: “…it therefore doesn't matter which political party holds power in a state -
or even what political system that state has. Synarchists would step
in and take control of the key state institutions.”
the United States, one such secret society worthy of note is Yale
University’s Order of the Skull and Bones.
Entry into the Order involves elaborate ritual and is accompanied
by a change of name. No longer is the neophyte known by his family
name, but assumes the identity of a Knight.
include George W. Bush, his father George Bush senior and Senator
John Kerry. George Bush’s great grandfather, Prescott Bush, was also a Bonesman,
as was George Bush’s favourite uncle, Herbert Walker. In point of fact, almost all of the so-called
“Eastern Establishment” families have been enrolled in the Skull and
Bones. Author Antony Sutton,
in his groundbreaking four-part series “The Order,” states that the
US Order links to Britain through the Rhodes-Milner Oxford Group but
has German origins. The US Order also links to the Guggenheim,
Schiff and Warburg families, despite having definite anti-semitic
tendencies until more recent times.
Sutton’s own research linked the Order to “the founding and
growth of Nazism”
and considered it likely that German original was
the Illuminati.
Bush family’s political dynasty and indeed, its wealth, arose from
the nazi connections forged by Prescott Bush, who worked for nazi
magnate, Fritz Thyssen. Bush’s uncle “Herbie” (Herbert Walker), was
like-wise employed by Thyssen.
An even darker episode was reported by a Dutch
intelligence agent who stated that Prescott Bush also managed a portion
of the slave labour force located at I G Farben’s Auschwitz plant
- the infamous nazi death camp.
Working for Prescott Bush was Allen Dulles,
who would later become a director of the CIA, following a highly questionable
career in the war where he was posted to the head up the Swiss office
of the American intelligence service, the OSS.
Before the war Dulles was appointed the US legal counsel for
I G Farben. Another law client of Dulles was Fritz Thyssen.
These inter-relationships are, at the very least, very chummy.
Some believe them to be treacherous.
key period of the growth of Synarchism followed on the heels of the
Russian Revolution and led to the rise of the Pan European Movement
in 1922. The PEM was embraced
by powerful forces inside Germany. This included the wealthy banker, Max Warburg,
who financed PEM. Warburg
was a director of the massive chemical cartel, I G Farben, that helped
hoist Adolf Hitler to power. Curiously,
however, Warburg was also involved in helping Lenin to travel to Russia
in 1917, thus providing succour to the Bolshevik Revolution that Hitler
later so detested.
Is this simply a case of the left hand not
knowing what the right one was doing, or could it be merely an example
of the Hegelian dialectic of forging conflict in order to forge the
future shape and direction of human history?
any event, besides Max Warburg financing PEM, another German banker
in the form of Hjalmar Schact, addressed the first mass rally of the
Pan European Movement held in Berlin. Schacht would go on to work for Hitler as Minister
for Economics and President of the Reichsbank. If one believes in coincidence then behold
a coincidence: together with Hitler, Max Warburg signed the document
that appointed Hjalmar Schacht to the presidency of the Reichsbank. Imagine that. Max’s brother, Paul Warburg, was a director of American I G Farben
as well as being the first director of the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York.
simply as the “AO” – the letters of the Greek Alpha-Omega – the “Auslandsorganisation”
was the foreign intelligence arm of the nazi party that engaged in
espionage, fifth column, propaganda and “economic” activities in furtherance
of nazi aims. Overseas members of the AO operated largely
through German owned or controlled overseas companies.
This include numerous employees of I G Farben both those based
at home and abroad. In fact,
Farben not only ran the AO but financed it.
One of the most senior Farben men involved
in AO activities was Max Ilgner, who was the nephew of Farben director
Hermann Schmitz – who’s ambition was to “form a world fascist state
without war if possible.”
who was a uniform wearing member of the feared Gestapo, had allied
Farben’s intelligence unit known as “NW7” with the AO, and had recruited
an army of 5,000 that operated through American I.G.
Another member of Farben’s NW7 department,
was Gunther Frank-Fahle, who had been born in Bradford, England. Although the nominal head of the AO was Ernst
Wilhelm-Bohle, it was actually under the direct day-to-day control
of Walter Schellenberg, head of the SD, the Gestapo’s counterintelligence
service – who described Farben as a “state within a state” to his
interrogators after the war. However,
the overall boss of the AO was deputy fuehrer, Rudolf Hess.
industrialists and bankers, who funded Hitler’s rise to power in 1933,
had their contributions processed through Hjalmar Schacht’s account
at the private Delbruck Schickler Bank in Berlin.
The funds in this account were administered by Hitler’s deputy,
Rudolf Hess. Delbruck Schickler
Bank was a subsidiary of Metallsgesellschaft A G (“Metall”), by far
the largest non-ferrous metal company in Germany. Metallsgesellschaft was jointly owned by I
G Farben and the British Metal Corporation.
One of the two British directors of “Metall”
was Oliver Lyttelton who was appointed the Controller of Non-Ferrous
Metals in 1939-40 and became the Minister of Production in 1942-5
and a member of Churchill’s War Cabinet.
Lyttelton’s mother was by a merry coincidence, a member of
the Rhodes-Milner Oxford “Group,” whereas the eldest son of the fifth
Baron Lyttelton has been the private secretary to Lord Selborne during
his years in South Africa. Selborne would take over leadership of the
“Group” following Milner’s death in 1925.
He was also, as I have remarked elsewhere, the wartime head
of Britain's Special Operations Executive, which was the template
for the American OSS.
stated earlier, the “Group” is the British arm of the American Order
of the Skull and Bones – or is it the other way around?
Either way the Skull and Bones is a “chapter of
a German secret society. The “originating” prong of the “Group” and
the “Order” are, in the view of Prof. Antony Sutton, almost certainly
the outlawed Bavarian Illuminati.
is self evident that the same behind-the-scenes banking and industrial
forces who financed Hitler’s rise to power, as well as his subsequent
military build-up, would also take all necessary steps to protect
their hard investments once it became clear Hitler and Germany were
doomed to defeat. Clarity
arrived with the devastating defeat of Field Marshall von Paulus 6th
Army Group at Stalingrad in January 1943.
Any lingering doubts were erased with the Allied invasion of
Normandy on 6th June 1944.
Unable to repulse the Allied D-day invasion forces back into
the sea, it was clear for all to see that Hitler’s days were numbered.
months after the D-day landings, a secret meeting was held in an elegant
hotel in Strasbourg that was aimed at securing and protecting the
wealth of nazi Germany and its loyal bankers and industrialists.
On the morning of 10th August 1944, SS Obergruppenfuehrer
Scheid, a lieutenant-general in the Waffen SS – as well as a director
of the industrial company Hermansdorff & Schenburg - arrived at
the Hotel Maison Rouge set in Strasbourg’s rue des France-Bourgeois.
Dr. Scheid had been sent to host the meeting by none other
than Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, by then the second most powerful
man in nazi Germany, after Hitler.
rise to power followed on from the ill-fated flight of Rudolf Hess
in 1941, when he parachuted to land in Scotland to secretly meet with
the Duke of Hamilton. With the loss of his friend, and his plans
for creating a secret alliance with Britain to fight Russia in tatters,
Hitler had heaped all of Hess’ duties and responsibilities on to the
broad bull-like shoulders of Bormann – with the exception of the office
of deputy fuehrer, which Hitler abolished.
This included Bormann taking over control of the AO.
sending Dr. Scheid to Strasbourg, Bormann had confided in him that:
“the steps to be taken as a result of this meeting will determine
the post-war future of Germany,” adding that the plan was to insure
an eventual “economic resurgence of Germany.”
Present at the meeting, in addition to Dr.
Scheid, were representatives of Krupp, Messerschmitt, Rheinmetall,
Bussing, Volkswagenwerk, engineers representing various factories
in Posen, Poland – including Brown-Boveri – an important part of the
German electrical industry that was part owned by two American companies
– General Electric and International Telephone & Telegraph.
Today, Brown Boveri has grown into a massive multinational
corporation employing almost 200,000 staff worldwide and still maintains
it close contacts with the US. Prior
to his appointment as George W Bush’s Secretary of Defense, Donald
Rumsfeld was on its board of directors.
direction was that the industrialists should forge new contacts and
alliances with foreign firms, as well as strengthening those already
established. This should be done without attracting suspicion. Equally important was the capital flight programme
of state and corporate assets to safe havens through the world, which
Bormann ordered. Thus began
Operation Eagle’s Flight. Critically,
Bormann believed he needed nine months to fully complete the planned
capital flight programme.
This meant that German forces must resist the
Allies advance throughout the winter of 1944 and on until early mid
May 1945. By a remarkable
twist of fate, the war in Europe ended on 8th May 1945,
two days short of Bormann’s estimate.
than a month later, however, English Field Marshall, Bernard Montgomery,
laid out a daring plan that, were it to succeed, would have completely
wrecked Bormann’s critical nine-month programme.
When, on 23rd August 1944, the Supreme Allied Commander,
General Eisenhower, visited Montgomery’s HQ for lunch, followed by
a private conference, Montgomery argued that German forces were in
complete disarray and that a decisive thrust into the Ruhr would result
in the end of the war before Christmas 1944. At Montgomery’s insistence, Eisenhower’s Chief
of Staff, General Walter Bedell Smith was excluded from the meeting,
causing rancour.
Eisenhower left Montgomery’s HQ unconvinced
and wavering.
the closing of the Falaise gap, Montgomery was determined not to let
Eisenhower waste a golden opportunity to bring the war to a close
in 1944. On 4th September, Montgomery sent a coded signal
“Personal for General Eisenhower Eyes Only,” laying out in detail
an audacious plan to seize strategic bridges in the Netherlands followed
by a full-blooded armoured thrust into Germany through the back door
of the Ruhr – the very heartland of German industry and, coincidentally
home to many of those industrialists Dr. Scheid’s capital flight conference
had addressed less than a month earlier.
The plan, which would become known as Operation Comet, was
rejected by Eisenhower. Montgomery strenuously objected and a revised
plan called Operation Market Garden, that would muster considerably
more forces than the original Operation Comet, was eventually agreed
on 10th September 1944 by Eisenhower.
The final bridge to be captured by British airborne forces
and held until the arrival of the armoured forces was located at Arnhem.
coincidence too, it was the 4th of September, that Field
Marshall Model directed Lt. General Bittrich’s badly mauled but veteran
II SS Panzer corps to bivouac in the Arnhem area to refit and
rest. Bittrich later stated
that “there was no particular significance in Model choosing the Arnhem
vicinity – except that it was a peaceful area where nothing was happening.”
Now in hindsight when armed with Bormann’s
vital need for a full nine months for his capital flight programme
to reach fulfilment, one wonders if other more subterranean factors
influenced Model’s decision? Was
treachery involved?
is known for a fact is that Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands had
been appointed Commander in Chief of Dutch forces by Queen Wilhelmina.
During the weeks following the D-day landings, Prince Bernhard
had remained in constant contact with his Ministers, the US Ambassador-at-Large,
Anthony Biddle, and General Bedell Smith.
His close contact with these men was hardly
the result of mere chance. As
we shall see, nothing was to be left to chance by Bormann’s “Fraternity.”
member of the Biddle family, Thomas Bradish Biddle, had been amongst
the very first members of the Order of the Skull and Bones, having
been tapped in 1839, just six years after it founding in 1833.
Anthony Biddle who’s full name was Anthony Joseph Drexel Biddle
Jr., was not himself a member of the Order.
Never the less, he was no innocent.
the early months of WWII, Biddle was in Paris as the US Deputy Ambassador
to France. It was here that he became close friends of
the pro-nazi Duke and Duchess of Windsor, who spent a considerable
period of time living in the home of Baron Eugene de Rothschild. However, Biddle’s greatest friend in Paris was Ambassador William
Bullitt. Bullitt also held
strong pro Hitler views and was responsible for introducing the American
millionaire, Charles Bedaux, to the Windsor’s.
was a good friend of I G Farben’s Hermann Schmitz, and had, in fact,
been appointed as head of Farben’s commercial operations.
His involvement with the Windsor’s wasn’t accidental, as he
had been instructed by no less than SS Chief Heinrich Himmler to inveigle
them to help in secret plans for a negotiated peace with England.
A secret meeting held in the Hotel Meurice in Paris, between
Bedaux, Rudolf Hess, Martin Bormann and Hollywood actor and nazi sympathiser
Errol Flynn, the Duke of Windsor promised to help Hess contact the
Duke of Hamilton, which “finally led to Hess’s dramatic landing on
the Hamilton Estate in 1941.”
Bernhard of the Netherlands also has a decidedly nazi past.
German born as Prince Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld, he joined
the nazi party in the early 1930’s, eventually donning the SS uniform. By 1935 he was gainfully employed in I G Farben’s
intelligence department NW7. His
match to Princess Juliana, the daughter of the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina,
was reportedly arranged by Farben director, Gerhard Fritze, a relative
of NW7’s chief, Max Ilgner.
At their marriage ceremony, the Prince’s closest
friends struck up the old favourite, the Horst Wessel song, which
was the anthem of the Nazis. Shortly
after the marriage, the noble prince travelled to Berlin for a private
meeting with Hitler, who had publicly intimated that the marriage
represented an alliance between both nations - which was refuted by
Queen Willhelmina. More telling
was the fact that when he arrived in England, after the outbreak of
war, and asked to work in British intelligence, his offer was declined
by the Admiralty, because they didn’t trust him.
Nor did the Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight Eisenhower
who refused him access to sensitive intelligence information.
However, with the intervention of King George on Prince Bernhard’s
behalf, he was eventually allowed to work in war planning councils. Whoops.
on quickly; to understand the very special relationship between Prince
Bernhard and General Walter Bedell Smith – who most certainly had
complete access general Eisenhower’s intelligence - we need to advance
several years. After the war, Prince Bernhard is believed to have been profitably
employed dealing in art stolen during the war. Gerben Sonderman, who Prince Bernhard described
as the “best friend I ever had” (presumably Adolf had by then been
forgotten?), acted as the prince’s private pilot for transporting
stolen art, according to Ton Biesemaat, who has written an expose
of the art ring called “The Correggio Mystery.
1941, Sonderman, a Dutch Fokker pilot, developed contacts with Germans
involved in plundering Dutch art works.
A close contact of his was Alois Miedl, a “banker, spy and
art dealer” who occasionally dressed in SS uniform.
After the war, Miedl operated on behalf of
the ODESSA, the SS escape network that transported nazi war criminals
to safety in South America – particularly Argentina, where Bormann
is believed to have escaped to. This
also is a favourite destination for Prince Bernhard after the war,
where he was usually accompanied by his best friend, Gerban
of those seemingly involved in this stolen art-trading ring was Hungarian
nobleman, Prince Alfred zur Lippe-Weissenfeld, a relative of Prince
Bernhard. By another of those remarkable coincidences, Prince Alfred’s daughter
was the wife of Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza de Karzon,
son of Fritz Thyssen’s brother and heir to the Thyssen family fortune.
Bedell Smith, who as we have seen above, was in close contact with
the prince during the period that Montgomery was drawing up his initial
plan to capture the Dutch bridges and then dash to Berlin via the
Ruhr. Just how close this
friendship to Prince Bernhard was can be judged by the fact that after
the war both he and Prince Bernhard went into business together. One might describe it as an “import-export
company” because it involved an art trading company called “Bernard
Ltd” that uses military aircraft to fly between Soesterberg – a short
distance away from Prince Bernhard’s palace Soestdijk – and the USA.
addition to his close personal friendship with Prince Bernhard, in
August 1945, Bedell Smith donated his private plane to secretly fly
nazi master spy Reinhard Gehlen, and five of his general staff, to
Washington for secret talks. This
move was in complete contravention of prevailing American policy and,
according to author Charles Higham, could have resulted in court martial
proceedings against Bedell Smith.
Bernhard’s family relationship with that of the Thyssen’s may go some
way to explain why, in 1945, together with a unit of Dutch intelligence,
Prince Bernhard travelled to the Russian zone in Berlin to recover
a batch of buried “incriminating corporate papers” belonging to Fritz
Thyssen, that evidenced “secret Thyssen ownership.”
This small favour was carried out under the pretext that the
daring Prince was recovering the Dutch crown jewels stolen by the
Nazis. The papers were returned
to Holland and deposited in the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart, in Rotterdam,
which was secretly owned by Thyssen. Known as “Operation Juliana” this cunning scheme
was a body blow to Allied investigators who were anxiously seeking
the “missing pieces of the Thyssen fortune.”
The US attorney to the Rotterdam bank was Allen
Dulles, who had migrated from the OSS office in Bern, Switzerland,
to become the US intelligence chief in post-war Germany.
Lippe family appears to have any number of connections to enterprises
with intelligence connections. Take for example, the Order of the Rose of
Lippe, a chivalric Order awarded to German House of Lippe. An offshoot of this order is the Noble Company
of the Rose, founded by Ernst August Prinz zur Lippe – the first cousin
of Prince Bernhard - and Sir Rodney Hartwell.
Today, the Noble Order of the Rose is awarded exclusively and
by invitation only to members of a curious research institute with
a focus on genealogy, royalty, nobility, chivalry, heraldry, and
related topics called The Augustan Society that is housed in a mansion
located in the Mojave Desert near Dagget, USA, and which was founded
in 1957.
curiosity here is that many of the early, and some of the founding
members, were formerly with wartime intelligence services, mostly
the OSS. These included Crolian
Edelen, Robert Formhals, Robert Gayre, John Driscoll, George Balling
and Forest Barber – all of whom had also earlier been Shickshinny
knights, a so called “fake” Order that claimed descent from the Russian
Grand Priory of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. The Shickshinny
knights boasted some really heavy weight English and American pro
nazi military and intelligence officers.
is alleged that the number one activity of the Augustan Society is
intelligence gathering and that several members of the Society began
working together three of four years before officially incorporating
it as a legal entity (thus dating it back to circa 1954 – of which
more later). It is also said
that it is an intelligence front for SMOM, the official Vatican Order
of the Knights of Malta.
Augustan Society was originally located in Torrance, California, a
location that gave rise to an insider adage “when you hear a sneeze
in Torrance, you hear a ‘God Bless you’ on the Via Condotti.”
The Via Condotti is the location of the Palazzo di Malta in
Rome, the HQ of SMOM. The SMOM connection to this story is not without considerable interest.
Members of this order have included such nazi notables as Dr. Herman
Abs, a director of I G Farben and Deutsche Bank and who was known
as “Hitler’s paymaster.” Robert
Gayre, one of the founders of the Augustan Society was awarded the
Grand Cross of Merit of SMOM. Another
to be honoured by SMOM was nazi spymaster, Reinhard Gehlen – discussed
above – who received the prestigious Grand Cross of Merito Melitense
in 1948. Another honoured
by SMOM was James Jesus Angleton, to whom we shall return shortly.
Neither of the Dulles brothers were honoured by this August
body simply because they were Protestants rather than Catholics.
however, Martin Bormann’s eldest son, Adolf Martin chose to take holy
orders in 1946 following a preliminary course at Federaun Monastery,
located close to Villach in Austria.
This monastery was under the patronage of Bishop Hudal – one
of the most senior Vatican insiders who was responsible for running
the nazi underground escape railway known as the Ratlines.
More alarming is the fact that Hudal was the “guardian” of
Aldolf Martin Bormann, as he was also the guardian of another monk,
Brother Avery Dulles, son of John Foster Dulles, elder brother of
Allen Dulles. It’s a small
world isn’t it.
Knights of Malta were also responsible for helping thousands of the
worst Nazis and members of the SS escape to freedom down these Ratlines,
thus evading justice and avoiding the hangman’s noose at Nuremberg.
Originally conceived as an underground railroad for wanted
war criminals, it was quickly co-opted, I understand, to smuggle nazi
gold, currency and other plunder to replenish the enormous sums lost
by the Rockefeller family in pre-war German investments.
Assisting Rockefeller in this sleazy endeavour were, Allen
Dulles, Herbert Walker and James Jesus Angleton, the OSS Italian bureau
chief and later CIA Rome Bureau chief.
As such Angleton was in charge of the Vatican “account” and
I understand that he learned about the homosexual proclivities of
Pope Pius XII (formerly the Papal Nuncio in Bavaria) and was able
to use this information for blackmail purposes. Meanwhile, Allen Dulles,
Herbert Walker and James Jesus Angleton are said to have benefited
most handsomely from “commissions” earned for their assistance in
shifting plunder on behalf of the Rockefeller’s.
Angleton benefited even more since he was able to co-opt SMOM,
the intelligence arm of the Vatican, to work on behalf of US intelligence
of the Augustan Society are listed as Ernst August Prinz zur Lippe,
Dr. Otto von Habsburg – the old Austro-Hungarian Imperial House –
and Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy – son of King Umberto II, the
last Italian king who was forced to relinquish his throne after the
war for being pro-Mussolini.
Prince Victor Emmanuel is the Grand Master
of the authorised Vatican chivalric Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.
of those beguiling coincidences is that Robert Gayre, who is mentioned
above, was the head of the US branch of the racist organisation, the
International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology,
which is headquartered in Scotland. Eugenics formed a very powerful
undercurrent in nazi ideology and thinking.
IAAEE was founded by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton who was a Wing
Commander in the RAF during WWII.
Lord Malcolm was, moreover, a member of the “Cliveden Set”
- which is another name for the Rhodes-Milner Oxford “Group” – that
was sympathetic to Hitler’s war aims.
Not least, Lord Malcolm had the honour of being the brother
of the Duke of Hamilton who, as we know, was the host of Rudolf Hess
after his flight to Scotland in 1941.
Gayre also founded the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in Edinburgh,
with the US branch of this Order being established by Lord Malcolm
Douglas-Hamilton. Lord Malcolm is a relative of the late Queen
Mother via his mother, Pamela Bowes-Lyon.
Robert Gayre was also the vice president of the International
Commission for Orders of Chivalry (ICC).
The VI International Congress of the ICC was held in Edinburgh
in 1962, under the Honorary Presidency of the Duke of Edinburgh and
was presided over by the Duke of Hamilton.
this diversion fairly comprehensively covered, let’s now briefly return
to the actual events of Montgomery’s audacious Operation Market Garden
– the approved plan to take and hold the five Dutch bridges that would
open a way for a massive Allied thrust at the heart of Germany.
who have seen the excellent film, based on Cornelius Ryan’s book “A
Bridge Too Far” will recall the sheer stubborn courage of those soldiers
of the Third Battalion of the US 82nd Airborne, under the
command of Major Julian Cook, who paddled across the Waal river in
slow, cumbersome boats, under a blizzard of deadly German fire, to
assault and hold the heavily defended but critical Nijmegen road Bridge,
a few miles south of Arnhem.
was a last ditch attempt to relive the sorely battered British paratroops
at Arnhem led by Colonel John Frost.
Eventually succeeding, at terrible cost, the Nijmegen Bridge
was taken and held. But rather than rushing armour up the road
to Arnhem to relieve Colonel Frost and ensure success of Montgomery’s
daring plan, a British Guards Major arriving at Nijmegen Bridge told
his American counterparts that “we do not move our tanks at night.”
A furious Colonel Tucker, the regimental commander
of the 504th – that had secured the bridge, vehemently
argued there was no time to waste before the Germans reinforced and
that the British must grab the chance to reinforce Frost at Arnhem.
Immune to these arguments, the English Major repeated “Well, we can’t
move our tanks at night,” and then added “We will move them in the
The next morning, as expected, the whole area
was heavy with German armoured reinforcements.
Ryan does not name the Grenadier Guards Major in his book, which is
unusual. There also appear to be some critical inaccuracies in the chain
of events he sets forth in his book.
recent BBC documentary series called “Battlefields” presented by historian
Prof. Richard Holmes, focused one programme on “The Battle for Arnhem.”
The programme makers interviewed on camera Captain Moffatt
Burriss, commander of “I” company of the 504th, who was
present when General Horrocks first asked to Colonel Tucker, commander
of the American 504th, if he would take the heavily defended
bridge by assaulting across the Waal. According to Burriss, General Horrocks said
“This is an awesome task, can your lads do it?” Tucker replied, “Well general, if we take the bridge, will your
tanks be lined-up ready to go?” Horrocks
replied, “My tanks will be lined-up in full force, hell-bent for Arnhem
and nothing will stop them.”
the bridge had been taken, it was Captain Burriss who welcomed the
first tanks across, and was astonished when they stopped.
He asked the sergeant in the first tank why they had stopped. The sergeant who was commanding the first three tanks – soon to
be joined by a fourth under the command a the Grenadier Guards major
– said that there was a German anti tank gun up ahead and that “if
I go up there that gun will knock out my tank.”
Burriss said, “Well, we’ll go with you and get that gun.”
But the offer wasn’t accepted because, the sergeant said “No,
I can’t go, I’ve got no orders.”
A situation that is in marked contrast to General
Horrocks intentions and his direct pledge to Colonel Tucker.
to the Grenadier Guards war diary, they bridge at Nijmegen was merely
“consolidated.” Also appearing on the interview was the Grenadier
Guards major, who said, “it would have been quite difficult to go
ahead.” Captain Burriss didn’t
see it that way. He said during
the programme that he “felt betrayed.”
His men had taken the bridge at massive cost, facing machine
guns, 20mm canons and numerous other weapons, but the British “were
stopping because of one gun and they had a whole Corps of tanks” at
their disposal.
was virtually nothing between the Grenadiers and Arnhem 8 miles away. At the north end of Arnhem Bridge the British paratroopers still
held out. With an injured
Colonel Frost, his second-in-command Major, Tony Hibbert of the 1st
Parachute Brigade, fought on. He
could hear the tanks of the Grenadier Guards in the distance.
But they didn’t arrive. Interviewed
for the BBC programme he reflected wryly, perhaps even bitterly, that
the Market Garden plan “Could and should have worked,” adding
with a wry look that the tanks under the control of Lord carrington
were “over the bridge before we were overrun.”
patronage of the Grenadier Guards can be seen by virtue of the fact
that reigning British monarch’s are usually appointed as “colonels-in-chief”
of the Regiment. It is one of only five British regiments who have the honour of
trooping the monarch’s “colour” the royal flag – in front of the Monarch
on the occasion of their official birthday.
The ceremony derives from mounting guard of the royal family
and palaces and as “Household Troops” the Grenadiers are one of the
regiments who have the honour of guarding the monarch.
The rank and file of the Grenadiers swear an oath of allegiance
to the monarch as head of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom.
It is considerable significance that the oath is sworn to the reigning
British monarch and not to Parliament. Interestingly, the first public
engagement of the present monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, took place
in 1942, when, as a young princess, she inspected the Grenadier Guards
on her 16th birthday.
Grenadier Guards officer he was referring to was Major Peter Alexander
Rupert Smith, of the extremely powerful and influential Smith family
- an almost publicly unknown dynasty of bankers that dates back 350
years. It was in the 1650’s
when Thomas Smith founded Samuel Smith & Co, Bankers in Nottingham,
which is believed to have been the first English bank headquartered
outside of London. Successive
generations of Smiths ensured that the family business flourished
and by 1902 a total of ten branches were operating.
only did a leading member of the family befriended Lord Rothschild,
but a family member later married a Rothschild.
A further dynastic marriage was to the well-known Baring family
of bankers. Their influence kept on expanding and expanding. Frances Dora Smith married Sir Claude Lyon-Bowes,
who were the grandparents of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon who married Prince
Albert (Bertie) in 1923. Prince Albert became King George V1 in 1936
and Elizabeth become Queen Elizabeth 1 - later known as the Queen
Mother. In recent years, newspaper article concerning
the Queen Mothers favourable attitude to the “pro-peace movement”
spoke of her “desire to avert war with Germany and for closer ties
to be established between the two countries.”
One newspaper went so far as to state that
the Queen would have willingly accepted a German occupation providing
that the monarchy and her place in it remained intact.
brother, David Bowes-Lyon, to whom she was exceptionally close was,
before the war, a director of Lazard Brothers bankers and who also
held an “important but vaguely defined role in SOE.”
The Lazard’s connection is significant inasmuch
as this bank was a link to pro-nazi Sir Henri Deterding of Royal Dutch
Shell and Viscount Bearsted of Hill Samuel, both of whom connect to
Baron Kurt von Schroder – a hard core nazi, a financier of SS chief
Heinrich Himmler and a leading member of the “circle of friends of
the Reichsfuhrer.” Von Schroder coincidentally employed Allen Dulles
as his American attorney
Royal Dutch Shell has long believed to be largely
owned by the Dutch and British royal families.
Schroder was also a member of the Anglo-German Fellowship and a director
of the bankers, Lazard Brothers. The Anglo-German fellowship was founded
in 1935 by German banker Ernest Tennant - a close friend of Hitler’s
Foreign Minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop - and had numerous members
who admired Hitler. Some,
went even further.
example, Sir Oswald Mosley founded the fascist British Black shirts,
which was funded by Berlin. Another was nazi enthusiast, Admiral Sir Barry
Domville, who would later become a Shickshinny Knight.
Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe Coburg & Gotha
was sent by Hitler to England to be the President of the Fellowship
with instructions to improve Anglo-German relations and to push for
an alliance between both countries.
Another member was the Duke of Hamilton, who as we have seen,
was the British point of contact sought by Rudolf Hess in his flight
to Scotland. Saxe Coburg Gotha is, of course, the real family name of the British
royal family, who changed to Windsor during the First World War to
dilute any expressions of animosity by the British public.
connections of the British royal family to the Nazis continue.
Prince Phillip Mountbatten’s (Duke of Edinburgh) closest sister
in age, Princess Sophie, married Prince Christopher of Hesse, who
was a member of Himmler’s staff, enlisting as an “agent.”
Prince Christopher would die in an aircraft
accident in 1944, preceding by two years the extremely suspicious
death of Prince George, the Duke of Kent and brother of the King,
George VI – who also died in an aircraft “accident.”
Duke of Kent died on 25th August 1942 aboard a Sunderland
flying boat belonging to 228 Squadron of Coastal Command that crashed
into a hill, called the Eagle’s Rock, near Berriedale, Caithness,
Scotland. The authors of the
book “Double Standards” make a strong case that the aircraft was sabotaged
on the instructions of Churchill, in order to avert the conclusion
of a secret alliance agreed in principle between Germany and England
that was to be signed in Sweden by the Duke of Kent, presumably on
behalf of his brother, the King.
The authors believe that aboard the aircraft and travelling
with the Duke was none other that deputy fuehrer, Rudolf Hess.
at Balmoral the night before the crash, according to one biography
of the Queen Mother, the Duke feasted on a last supper of sorts.
His dinner companion was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.
should come as no surprise to learn that the Grenadier Guards Major,
Peter Smith, is the 6th Baron Carrington more commonly
known as Lord Carrington, who in April 1985 was honoured by the Queen
when he was made a knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, the
oldest and most prestigious British Order of chivalry that dates back
almost 700 years. As a member
of the royal family bloodline, Lord Carrington’s illustrious career
has included a stint as chairman of the secretive and elite Bildergers.
Not least, he was a former President of the Pilgrim Society that was
founded in London in 1902 (and in New York in 1903), as a dying wish
of Cecil Rhodes. Another member of this ultra secret society was none
other than the Duke of Kent, as was A J Drexel Biddle.
in May 1954, the Bilderberg Conferences bring together the elite of
the world to seek a consensus on how global matters are to be shaped.
It is viewed with extreme suspicion by many who see it as working
outside of democratic control to foist on them a dictatorial world
order dedicated to the interests of the elite few.
instrumental in the founding of Bilderberg have included, General
Walter Bedell Smith, Allen Dulles and Antoine Pinay, the ultra right
French Prime Minister and Otto Wolff of the Cologne based firm Otto
Wolff A. G., whose father was a substantial contributor to Hitler.
Another was Sir Collin Gubbins, wartime head of the SOE who
had established and trained Auxilary Units to resist underground in
the event of a nazi invasion. These, in turn, were linked to the so-called
Army “Oxen Units” that engaged in sabotage.
One such Oxen Unit was in Berriedale at the time the Duke of
Kent’s aircraft crashed.
are numerous and very influential. These have included, for example, David Rockefeller,
Walter Boveri Jr, son of the founder of Brown Boveri, Sir Eric Roll
of Warburg’s London based merchant bank and Dr. Herman Abs of I G
Farben – to name just a few who are relevant to this essay. The first Bilderberg chairman was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands,
who remained chairing the meetings until 1976, when he stood down
following his disgrace for accepting bribes in the Lockheed affair.
significance is the fact that the first Bilderberg meeting was held
ten years after the failed Operation Market Garden, in a hotel (named
the Bilderberg – hence the name of the group), that is located in
Oosterbeek, Holland, just a few kilometres from both Arnhem and Nijmegen
– and in the very middle of the fighting to take the Arnhem bridge.
it possible that Oosterbeck was chosen for the first meeting of Bilderberg
in order to secretly celebrate the success in getting the wealth of
nazi Germany to safety as planned by Bormann? Possibly.
In the first two years of its existence, four meetings were
held, on a semi-annual basis.
For 1954, meeting were held in May and again
in September. In 1955, they were in March and September. Thereafter,
meetings have been held just once annually in May.
September 1954 was, of course, the month of the failed – or
betrayed – Operation Market Garden.
is of significance for other reasons, too, for it was in 1954 that
the Allies finally agreed to return Western Germany to the status
of a sovereign nation and German companies were, at last, freed from
Allied control on 5th May 1955. The assets of Thyssen, Krupp and others that
had been secreted abroad could now be untangled and returned to once
again rebuild Germany – as foreseen by Bormann.
The treaty that ended the occupation of West
Germany was signed in Paris in October 1954.
past is the future. Sadly.
[1] By “revolving” I mean to suggest that whoever wins an American presidential election, US foreign policy remains fundamentally unchanged.
[2] It is here of considerable significance that it was following the Versailles Treaty that many German industrialists, including the Thyssen and Dornier family, first developed their financial techniques to cloak ownership of their assets.
[3] See Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince lecture “The Rise of the Rough Beast” at the Sauniere Society Symposium, 19th September 1999. Also see numerous articles on Synarchism and the Synarchist agenda published by EIR.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Antony Sutton, “The Secret Cult of The Order” – page 32.
[6] See article by John Loftus “How the Bush family made its fortune from the Nazis“
[7] See "Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections to the Nazis" - from: http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/timeline.html
[8] See Anthony Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.
[9] See Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler” – page 93
[10] See Charles Higham’s “Trading With The Enemy” – page 189.
[11] Ibid – page 211.
[12] Ibid – page 133.
[13] Ibid
[14] See my article “The Spoils of War” at www.deepblacklies.co.uk.
[15] See Carroll Quigley’s “The Anglo-American Establishment” – page 307 (published by GSG & Associates, California, 1981)
[16] See Sutton’s “The Secret Cult of the Order” – page 34/35.
[17] See Paul Manning’s “Martin Bormann – Nazi in Exile” – page 23.
[18] Two additional persons, both German government officials, were present at the Red House meeting.
[19] Manning's Martin Bormann - Nazi in Exile – page 32.
[20] See Cornelius Ryan’s “A Bridge Too Far” – page 48.
[21] Ibid – page70.
[22] Ibid – page 43.
[23] The Fraternity was the name chosen by author Charles Higham, in his book American Swastika, to describe the network of prominent people and large corporations in Allied and neutral nations that cooperated with the nazis.
[24] See Higham’s “Trading With The Enemy” – pages 179-181
[25] This account is contained in an unpublished manuscript on matters relating to the nazis and US business interests that was written by Prof. Peter Dale Scott, who kindly provided a copy to me.
[26] See: www.michelvanrijn.com/artnews/correggio.htm
[27] Ibid
[28] See Charles Higham “American Swastika” – page 260.
[29] See John Loftus article “The Dutch Connection” (available on the internet) for details of Operation Juliana. However, Dutch journalist, Ton Biesemaat disputes the accuracy of Loftus allegations, saying that the Prince was not directly involved but instead directed "influential friends and agents to do the job for him." Biesemaat also says that no crown jewels were recovered in Berlin but instead some "shares" of the royal family were recovered, although the main objective was to secure the fortune of the "Thyssen Bornemisza family" (private correspondence with this writer).
[30] For more on the Shickshinny Knights see my article “The Spoils of War”.
[31] Although I understand that King Umberto II in fact hated Mussolini, but consented to abdicate to avoid an outbreak of bloodshed.
[33] See Cornelius Ryan – who frustratingly neglects to name the British officer in question. Ryan is, however, by no means alone in this oversight. I could find no online source that did name the British officer, which may go some way to reveal the awesome actual power of a truly powerful family.
[34] Recorded by Thomas Pitt, a Sergeant in the 504th of the 82nd Airborne, who was present during these deliberations.
[35] Notes taken from the BBC TV documentary programme “Battlefields.”
[36] Ibid.
[37] See Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince and Stephen Prior’s “Double Standards – The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up” – page 265
[38] Ibid – The Independent on Sunday, 5 March 2000.
[39] Picknett, prince & Prior's "Double Standard's" – page 264.
[40] See Hugh Thomas SS-1 The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler – page 92.
[41] On the Shickshinny’ s see my associated article The Spoils of War.”
[42] See Hugh Thomas SS-1 – as above – page 92.
[43] See “Double Standards” – above – page 433.
[44] Ibid – page 421
[45] See Holly Sklar’s “Trilaterialism” – page 171 which mentions this curious fact.
[46] See Paul manning’s “Martin Bormann” – above – page 281.
[47] Ibid – page 258.