Occupy the present

Ave Bicéfala - The Double Headed Eagle
Related: The New World Order of the Knights of the Garter (PDF)
From the charging document for a new J6 riot defendant, a continuing reminder that Google searches can, and will, be held against you
The level of criminality in today's Western AI industry far surpasses that of Enron & Lehman, casting them in an almost angelic light by comparison.
In his 1967 book "The Medium Is the Massage", Marshall McLuhan adopted the term "massage" to denote the effect of numerous media in how they massage the human sensorium. Today, AI is enabling a new class of powerful massage techniques and makes classic ones wildly accessible.
The internet is a militaristic MMORPG and the game is rigged. The only way to win is by conducting network-centric massage at scale. This shall be a continued theme of our doing in the year ahead. All hail discordia!
Mystery of the quantum lentils: Are legumes exchanging secret signals?
For 100 years, we have puzzled over the purpose of biophotons, low-level radiation emitted by all plants. Precision studies of lentils now hint that it could be a form of quantum communication