China’s mysterious 8,000-year-old structure ‘guarded by the military could hold key secrets (wikipedia)

A settlement where travel or residency restrictions are applied so that specific authorization is required to visit or remain overnight. Such places may be sensitive military establishments or secret research installations. Many closed cities existed in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In modern Russia, such places are officially known as "closed administrative-territorial formations"
The Hershey–Chase experiments were a series of experiments conducted in 1952 by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase that helped to confirm that DNA is genetic material.
Zettascale Computing - Computing systems capable of calculating at least "1021 IEEE 754 Double Precision (64-bit) operations per second (zettaFLOPS)
In 2018, Chinese scientists predicted that the first zettascale system will be assembled in 2035.[5] This forecast looks plausible from the historical point of view as it took some 12 years to progress from the terascale machines (1012) to petascale systems (1015) and then 14 more years to move to exascale computers (1018). A Zettascale Computer Today Would Need 21 Nuclear Power Plants
The abyss is great for starting into. But if screaming is your thing, you'll want to go with the void"
Forecasting the future is notoriously ineffective. Backcasting from the future is notoriously effective.
Proposal for a Monument to the Internet Protocol - Sandow Birk (2016)
"Choosing to Be Simple: Collected Poems of Tao Yuanming (365–427) - Translated by Red Pine. A wonderful, timeless little book.