
Perils of Google Translate: "In case of volcanic eruption, you will hear mermaids. Do not ignore the mermaids, they are there for your safety"
"International Conference Consciousness and Physical Reality" is happening online 13-14 April 2024
We're inventing extremely complex machines that simulate the human mind using giant arrays of crystalline silicon that use enormous amounts of electricity... Mainly just so we don't have to be alone with our thoughts for 5min and don't have to tell someone "I love you". Magical
Art: Your manias become science - by Barbara Kruger (1981) - #ML #Emotion #Culture #Ideas
The Moscow Signal was a reported microwave transmission directed at the Embassy of the United States, Moscow from 1953 to 1976. Despite some declassified info's (Projects PANDORA and BIZARRE) this Microwave incident remain cloaked in mystery for the public, similarly to today's Havana Syndrome.
The Corpus Chronophage - A clock that slows down, stops, and run backward (project page)
"Ecological culture in Chinese traditional Mountain and Water painting"
Art: 王蒙Wang Meng 《具区林屋图》纸 Forest Grotto in Juqu (1378)
You learn, adapt, and try different tricks (like pretending you're not the smartest cookie so the wolves won't eat you)