
All bodies are two - not one. The invisible half of every body is thousands of times greater than its visible half.
"Genius loci" refers to the protective spirit of a place in classical Roman religion. The Romans literally believed that a 'genius', or a 'guardian spirit' resides in everything and everywhere.
Jade Sutra, one of the sutras of the Taoist thunder god, is often recited in shamanism to ward off ghosts. See: The Jade Guidebook: A Visitor's Guide to Hell
Zhendan 震旦 is one of the Chinese renderings of Sanskrit Cīna-sthāna ('Chinastan'), often unterstood by folk etymology as 'dawn of the east. Also written 震丹、真丹、真旦、振旦、神丹.
'Music is liquid architecture; architecture is frozen music'- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Codex Arundel is a bound collection of pages of notes written by Leonardo da Vinci, mostly from between 1480 and 1518.
Levels of the Self: The Divided Self, Subpersonalities, The Personal Self, The Higher Self, and the Synthesis of all together