Graphene and Related Materials for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things

"'I know nothing.' Is my answer: Spring in my old age" - Kyoshi Takahama (image: Takeji Asano)
All conspiracy theories are subordinate to time travel conspiracies. The pinnacle of those are Bodhisattva's that escape spacetime entirely. Yet all of it is eclipsed by the simple realization that the ordinary is the extraordinary and this moment right here & now is it.
'Temporis filia Veritas' is an ancient proverb expressing with Roman succinctness the notion that truth often reveals itself only after the passage of time
In China, Fēng shuǐ (風水, Geomancy) plays a role in selecting sites for major computation data centers. Studies suggest that incorporating Fēng shuǐ principles correlates with significantly reduced error rates in essential system components, such as chips.
150y ago: The horror of Chinese geomancers at British attempts to construct railways across the Lung Mai or ‘dragon veins’ of their country resulted in a consortium of local businessmen buying and promptly dismantling the newly-completed railway line around Shanghai, in horror at the devastating impact it would have on the Feng Shui of the city.
"Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment." - Dōgen
The Langlands programme, created by Robert Langlands in the 1960s and 1970s, studies connections between number theory and geometry. We can think of this as a Rosetta Stone for mathematics.