The first 1000 digits of Pi, connected

Princess Dianna and the Spencer's lineage can be traced back to Isabella Fitzroy descended from illegitimate son of Charles II whose grandmother was Marie de Medici
"The world is full of people who have stopped listening to themselves." - Joseph Campbell
The escalating EM communication infrastructure war is part of the reason why all enlightened civilizations shifted to Aether based comms systems aeons ago.
Cultures that have a strong belief in super natural entities that are by definition always one step ahead, always have an incentive to continue innovating.
"if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" - Abraham Maslow
Our 4y old has decided she wants to be a pirate when she grows up and we fully support this choice
Fools get upset about media copyright, despite living in a world where the IP for their own DNA and biology has been owned by shadowy groups with out consent for decades.
Most have not noticed yet, that it is entirely possible now to cheaply execute a large scale bureaucratic DDOS attack against all governments.