"If I cannot dwell anywhere, let me then stay nowhere, in this world brief as a grass hut."
- Monk Saigyo (西行)

(image: rain in Omiya by Hasui Kawase)
"If I cannot dwell anywhere, let me then stay nowhere, in this world brief as a grass hut."
- Monk Saigyo (西行)
(image: rain in Omiya by Hasui Kawase)
The land of profound tranquility
Under a high dose of psilocybin, one may traverse the realm of non-linear memories and navigate the chaotic temples of ancient deities. Occasionally, if fortune allows, one might slip through the veil into a realm of absolute stillness, transcending spacetime. It is a long and difficult journey. What few will tell you: Combining acupuncture and meditation offers a more consistent and accessible path to this profound tranquility.
China Puts Trust in AI To Maintain Largest High-Speed Rail Network on Earth
China is using AI in the operation of its 45,000km (28,000-mile) high-speed rail network, with the technology achieving several milestones, according to engineers involved in the project. From a report:
An AI system in Beijing is processing vast amounts of real-time data from across the country and can alert maintenance teams of abnormal situations within 40 minutes, with an accuracy as high as 95 per cent, they said in a peer-reviewed paper. "This helps on-site teams conduct reinspections and repairs as quickly as possible," wrote Niu Daoan, a senior engineer at the China State Railway Group's infrastructure inspection centre, in the paper published by the academic journal China Railway.
In the past year, none of China's operational high-speed railway lines received a single warning that required speed reduction due to major track irregularity issues, while the number of minor track faults decreased by 80 per cent compared to the previous year. According to the paper, the amplitude of rail movement caused by strong winds also decreased -- even on massive valley-spanning bridges -- with the application of AI technology. [...] According to the paper, after years of effort Chinese railway scientists and engineers have "solved challenges" in comprehensive risk perception, equipment evaluation, and precise trend predictions in engineering, power supply and telecommunications. The result was "scientific support for achieving proactive safety prevention and precise infrastructure maintenance for high-speed railways," the engineers said.
Binance Executives Were Arrested In Nigeria For Allegedly Destabilizing Its Currency - A quintessential imperial crypto/CBDC story.
Each color shows $1T getting added to the US national debt. Not that long ago, it took six years to add a bar. Now adding one every 90-120 days. This will clearly end well.
One of the earliest computer artists, was George Stibitz: he formulated a way to implement boolean logic with relays, laying the foundation for all of modern computing, and in 1949, he coined the term "digital".
Meditation is a climate, the real is as it is always
"Meditation is not something you do in the morning and you are finished with it, meditation is something that you have to go on living every moment of your life. Walking, sleeping, sitting, talking, listening – it has to become a kind of climate." - Osho
"A relaxed person remains in it. A person who goes on dropping the past remains meditative." - Osho
“The real is as it is always. We are not creating anything new or achieving something which we did not have before.” - Ramana Maharshi.
Forget the problems and enjoy the gifts
"The vain man of intellect busies himself uselessly with finding out the 'why' and 'wherefore' of creation, while the humble man of wisdom makes friends with the Creator and enjoys His gift of supreme bliss." - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
What problems can there be which the mind did not create? Life and death do not create problems; pains and pleasures come and go, experienced and forgotten. It is memory and anticipation that create problems of attainment or avoidance, colored by like and dislike. - Nisargadatta
In Zen Buddhism, there is a special stick called kyōsaku (教策), which translates as "Encouragement stick", "warning stick", or "awakening stick". It is used to slap those who fall asleep during meditation. kyōsaku is thin and flexible, so its slaps are not traumatic. People may also be slapped at their own request. And you are clearly ready for a good beating.