Impressions from this mornings walk. Good morning treepeople

The Lamen, Magic Circle and Universal Attraction
From the Book "Crystal-Gazing and the Wonders of Clairvoyance, Embracing Practical Instructions in the Art, History, and Philosophy of This Ancient Science" (1896) - #Magic
Blanche Merz (1919 - 2002) - An innovative giant in the field of Geomancy
Interview with Blanche Merz in French. for English subtitles use Youtube's CC auto-translate feature:
Was ist Radiästhesie? radius lat. = Strahl - aisthesis griech. = Sinneswahrnehmung - Radiästhesie ist die Arbeit mit der Strahlenfühligkeit und mögliche Strahlenwirkungen auf Organismen
"The chemical induction of synaesthesia" - by David Luke, Laura Lungu, Ross Friday, Devin Terhune.
#Comment: Would like to see an extension of this that includes BCI/EM induced synaesthesia and acupuncture/mediation induced synaesthesia methods.
"It's remarkable how we go on year after year, doing the same old things. We get tired and bored, and ask when they'll come for us." ― Yasunari Kawabata, The Sound of the Mountain