Relax & Flow

"Guide to Capturing a Plum Blossom" is a wonderful little book. First published in AD 1238, it is considered the world's earliest-known printed art books. Through a series of brief four-lined poems and illustrations inspired by each moment of the plum blossom's life, Sung Po-jen aims at training artistic perception: how to truly see a plum blossom.
It's very useful and kind of magical, that LLM's can take any text and perform a Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN) on it, a forensic linguistics and investigative psychology technique used to detect deception and gather more info from a person's words. Interview with its inventor Avinoam Sapir
#KM #ML #Military #NeuroScience #Communication #Augmentation
Exploring Generative Design Spaces
A primary HCI challenge of generative ML systems in creative settings is that the design possibility spaces that users are exploring are extremely large. Naive approaches - like manual prompting - do not scale. "Serendipity engineering" is still in its infancy.
It's fascinating that the Picbreeder experiment - A case study in collaborative evolutionary exploration of design space - which started in 2007 by @kenneth0stanley et al is still highly relevant and cutting edge today.
When you enter a monastery the world just disappears
In control theory and system dynamics, damped systems are classified based on the behavior of their response to a disturbance or input.
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is a measure used in science and engineering that compares the level of a desired signal to the level of background noise. What's the SNR on platforms like X feel like these days?
This meme that recently went viral is absolute bullshit. Deep down, most want AI for 4 archetypal reasons: 1) Get laid (AI to sexually please them) 2) Get payed (AI to make them rich) 3) Get to reaxed (AI to entertain them to death) 4) Get holy (AI to be their personal Jesus & God).
Computers that auto-translate languages were early signs of the coming communication revolution. Today, it is becoming possible to capture and translate complex contextual meanings and making cross-boundary communication truly effective.
Generative AI is fueling a communication revolution, the media artefacts are just fun side effects. It will fundamentally redefine how people express themselves and relate to each other. For example, translate will expand from lingo2lingo now, to complex cultural context2context
"Turning points in human consciousness occur when new energy regimes converge with new communications revolutions, creating new economic eras." - Jeremy Rifkin
The future of email with ChatGPT
Anthony Burgess on translation