Aphrodite, Phoenician goddesses & Tanith, is the Great Goddess of Carthag

Ananda Coomaraswamy (1877 - 1947) on Art
Industry without art is brutality.
The artist is not a special kind of man, but every man is a special kind of artist.
Art is nothing tangible. We cannot call a painting 'art' as the words 'artifact' and 'artificial' imply. The thing made is a work of art made by art, but not itself art. The art remains in the artist and is the knowledge by which things are made.
“Let us tell them the painful truth, that most of these works of art are about God, whom we never mention in polite society.”
We must think very carefully about how we use AI's immense power. Will we continue destroying the natural world at ever-faster rates, or come to our senses and start respecting and protecting the real treasure of intelligence on planet Earth? It's time to choose wisely.
The Orinoco is one of the longest rivers in South America. The Delta is Biological Treasure Trove.
"We will never reach the old complexity of the natural environment, a complexity that we discover more and more as we destroy it" - Jacques Ellul
Perspective: Ants have been doing agriculture for ~50 million years, cultivating fungi and herding aphids to feed their massive colonies.
Fascinating paper. Side note: In China, you can now visit e-commerce sites to customize your pet's traits (size, eye color, muscle tone, etc.). Genetically engineered on demand, shipped to you with a money-back guarantee.
Reminder: Behavior always trumps appearance. An ugly person will appear beautiful if you see them be kind.