In the next 20 years, AI & robotics will drive massive productivity gains. The big question: will the owner class share those gains with the 99%? Historically, the answer has been a clear no.

In the next 20 years, AI & robotics will drive massive productivity gains. The big question: will the owner class share those gains with the 99%? Historically, the answer has been a clear no.
Who are the "spiritual lords" that UK legislation receives advice and consent from?
Tech product presentations from the usual corporate suspects all follow the same boring formula: indoors, screens, sales pitch. It's enough. I’m planning a series of events / presentations set in the Swiss Alps. High on authentic nature, low on corporate bullshit.
The dominant geopolitical logic of the day
"The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US & EU through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war" - Julian Assange, 2011
442 Weeks ago, in 2016, Samim Winiger was talking about Creative Artificial Intelligence at IAMW16
The CIA’s attempt to portray their countless ‘tech company leader’ puppets as cool and fashionable is extremely cringeworthy. Failed state.
AI wearable augmentations are overrated. Just look at the sea of mobile phone zombies wandering aimlessly through the streets. Meanwhile, serene spaces with nature at their core are undervalued. Time spent in these places instantly grounds your mind, body & soul.
Too much of the AI augmentation discourse centers on individuals—a 'superman' complex. Few focus on organizational augmentation, which may not be as glamorous but has exponentially greater impact. Douglas Engelbart had it right 50 years ago.
Phoenician grinning mask, 4th century BC, found in a grave at San Sperate, Cagliari, Museo Archeologico Nazionale
The ruins of the Phoenician Temple dedicated to the Goddess Diana. Archaeological work located in Cefal, province of Palermo