Vital essence (jing 精) >> Subtle breath (qi 氣) >> Spirit (shen 神)

"Google’s AI search summaries officially have ads"
Predicted this one about 5 years ago. Yet another sign that the rise of stupidity is outpacing the growth of intelligence.
The thought that entire CIA departments are dedicated to crafting drama scripts for their fake tech front companies and actor-managers to play out brings an odd sense of joy to my heart.
"i’m ready for 1v1" - Mark
Shoes and mattresses highlight the fallacy of tech augmentation: For most of history, humans walked barefoot and slept on the ground. Cushioning, though convenient, was introduced recently and has led to unintended health effects. Restore balance with barefoot shoes & tatami mats.
Never forget that the entirety of the Principia Discordia was written by slacking off on Hugh Hefner’s dime. SLACK begat KAOS, KAOS praises SLACK.
Once again, I’m contemplating a theory and praxis of technological augmentation rooted in the ancient wisdom of Qigong, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Nature and Poetry. The need for it feels immense, yet perhaps misguided.
The "reality as machine" paradigm is a 19th century hangover, causing great havoc today. Embracing alternative paradigms, such as "Reality as Garden", leads to saner outcomes.
As LLMs rapidly accelerate software development, the type and amount of cognitive load on developers is shifting in fascinating ways. While there’s less low-level grunt work, the strategic aspects have expanded and become far more challenging.
Poem by Shiwu (石屋) / Stonehouse (1272–1352)
When the red sun climbs above the blue mountains
the door of my hut is still closed
before the white-haired monk is up
ants are already making their rounds
My hut is so secluded it's beyond the reach of dust
my mind is so detached it's left the world behind somewhere
a peach tree is blooming wild birds encircle my door with twigs
The transnational deepstate mafia grabbing control of healthcare systems globally is an integral part of their "internet of bodies" full spectrum dominance agenda. A serious illness.
AI & robotics advancements challenge the strategic autonomy of organizations, from companies to nations. Smaller players are especially vulnerable. Urgent national action plans, including aggressive market protection and innovation strategies, are essential to stay competitive