"The best that most of us can hope to achieve in physics is simply to misunderstand at a deeper level." - Wolfgang Pauli to Jagdish Mehra in Berkeley, California (May 1958)

Cybernetic brute-force hijacking of biological brains was far more successful decades ago than widely known. Key functions like memory and control were decoded and operationalized over time. Today's in-silico AI still lags behind in key areas. Revelation not Innovation ahead.
Would you like you, if you met you? You live inside your head. Make sure it is a nice place to be.
Internet is disappearing and experts are shocked: Billions of web pages at risk by a strange phenomenon - "an alarming 9% of web pages created between 2013 and 2023 have already disappeared."
Dark design patterns. The majority of privacy settings on modern digital infrastructure is exactly this.